gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn Method

GMP Native Interface for .NET

gmp_libmpz_getlimbn Method
Return limb number n from op.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static mp_limb_t mpz_getlimbn(
	mpz_t op,
	mp_size_t n
Public Shared Function mpz_getlimbn ( 
	op As mpz_t,
	n As mp_size_t
) As mp_limb_t
static mp_limb_t mpz_getlimbn(
	mpz_t^ op, 
	mp_size_t n
static member mpz_getlimbn : 
        op : mpz_t * 
        n : mp_size_t -> mp_limb_t 


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempz_t
The operand integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_size_t
The zero-based limb index.

Return Value

Type: mp_limb_t
The limb number n from op.

The sign of op is ignored, just the absolute value is used. The least significant limb is number 0.

mpz_size can be used to find how many limbs make up op. mpz_getlimbn returns zero if n is outside the range 0 to mpz_size(op) - 1.

// Create and initialize new integer x.
mpz_t op = new mpz_t();
char_ptr value = new char_ptr("1000 ABCD 1234 7AB8 24FD");
gmp_lib.mpz_init_set_str(op, value, 16);

// Assert the value of the limbs of op.
if (gmp_lib.mp_bytes_per_limb == 4)
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 0) == 0x7AB824FD);
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 1) == 0xABCD1234);
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 2) == 0x00001000);
else // gmp_lib.mp_bytes_per_limb == 8
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 0) == 0xABCD12347AB824FD);
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 1) == 0x0000000000001000);

// Release unmanaged memory allocated for op and value.
' Create and initialize new integer x.
Dim op As New mpz_t()
Dim value As New char_ptr("1000 ABCD 1234 7AB8 24FD")
gmp_lib.mpz_init_set_str(op, value, 16)

' Assert the value of the limbs of op.
If gmp_lib.mp_bytes_per_limb = 4 Then
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 0) = &H7ab824fd)
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 1) = &Habcd1234UI)
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 2) = &H1000)
Else ' gmp_lib.mp_bytes_per_limb == 8
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 0) = &Habcd12347ab824fdUL)
    Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_getlimbn(op, 1) = &H1000)
End If

' Release unmanaged memory allocated for op and value.

No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

See Also