gmp_lib.mpn_gcdext Method (mp_ptr, mp_ptr, mp_size_t, mp_ptr, mp_size_t, mp_ptr, mp_size_t)

GMP Native Interface for .NET

gmp_libmpn_gcdext Method (mp_ptr, mp_ptr, mp_size_t, mp_ptr, mp_size_t, mp_ptr, mp_size_t)
Compute the greatest common divisor G of U and V. Compute a cofactor S such that G = US + VT.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static mp_size_t mpn_gcdext(
	mp_ptr gp,
	mp_ptr sp,
	ref mp_size_t sn,
	mp_ptr up,
	mp_size_t un,
	mp_ptr vp,
	mp_size_t vn
Public Shared Function mpn_gcdext ( 
	gp As mp_ptr,
	sp As mp_ptr,
	ByRef sn As mp_size_t,
	up As mp_ptr,
	un As mp_size_t,
	vp As mp_ptr,
	vn As mp_size_t
) As mp_size_t
static mp_size_t mpn_gcdext(
	mp_ptr^ gp, 
	mp_ptr^ sp, 
	mp_size_t% sn, 
	mp_ptr^ up, 
	mp_size_t un, 
	mp_ptr^ vp, 
	mp_size_t vn
static member mpn_gcdext : 
        gp : mp_ptr * 
        sp : mp_ptr * 
        sn : mp_size_t byref * 
        up : mp_ptr * 
        un : mp_size_t * 
        vp : mp_ptr * 
        vn : mp_size_t -> mp_size_t 


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_ptr
The fisrt result operand.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_ptr
The second result operand.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_size_t
Pointer to the number of limbs of sp.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_ptr
The first operand integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_size_t
The number of limbs of up.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_ptr
The second operand integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_size_t
The number of limbs of vp.

Return Value

Type: mp_size_t
The number of limbs of gp.

Let U be defined by {up, un} and let V be defined by {vp, vn}.

The second cofactor T is not computed but can easily be obtained from (G - U * S) / V (the division will be exact). It is required that unvn > 0, and the most significant limb of {vp, vn} must be non-zero.

Store G at gp and let the return value define its limb count. Store S at sp and let | sn.Value | define its limb count. S can be negative; when this happens sn.Value will be negative. The area at gp should have room for vn limbs and the area at sp should have room for vn + 1 limbs.

Both source operands are destroyed.

Compatibility notes: GMP 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 defined S less strictly. Earlier as well as later GMP releases define S as described here. GMP releases before GMP 4.3.0 required additional space for both input and output areas. More precisely, the areas {up, un + 1} and {vp, vn + 1} were destroyed (i.e. the operands plus an extra limb past the end of each), and the areas pointed to by gp and sp should each have room for un + 1 limbs.

// Create multi-precision operands, and expected result.
mp_ptr up = new mp_ptr(new uint[] { 0x40000000, 0x00000000 });
mp_ptr vp = new mp_ptr(new uint[] { 0x00000000, 0x00000001 });
mp_ptr gp = new mp_ptr(new uint[vp.Size * (IntPtr.Size / 4)]);
mp_ptr sp = new mp_ptr(new uint[(vp.Size + 1) * (IntPtr.Size / 4)]);
mp_ptr result = new mp_ptr(new uint[] { 0x40000000, 0x00000000 });
mp_ptr cofactor = new mp_ptr(new uint[] { 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 });

// Set gp = gcd(up, vp).
mp_size_t sn = 0;
mp_size_t size = gmp_lib.mpn_gcdext(gp, sp, ref sn, up, up.Size, vp, vp.Size);

// Assert result.
Assert.IsTrue(size == 1);
Assert.IsTrue(sn == 1);

// Release unmanaged memory., up, vp, sp, result, cofactor);
' Create multi-precision operands, and expected result.
Dim up As New mp_ptr(New UInteger() { &H40000000, &H0})
Dim vp As New mp_ptr(New UInteger() { &H0, &H1})
Dim gp As New mp_ptr(New UInteger(vp.Size* (IntPtr.Size / 4) - 1) {})
Dim sp As New mp_ptr(New UInteger((vp.Size + 1) * (IntPtr.Size / 4) - 1) {})
Dim result As New mp_ptr(New UInteger() { &H40000000, &H0})
Dim cofactor As New mp_ptr(New UInteger() { &H1, &H0, &H0})

' Set gp = gcd(up, vp).
Dim sn As mp_size_t = 0
Dim size As mp_size_t = gmp_lib.mpn_gcdext(gp, sp, sn, up, up.Size, vp, vp.Size)

' Assert result.
Assert.IsTrue(size = 1)
Assert.IsTrue(sn = 1)

' Release unmanaged memory., up, vp, sp, result, cofactor)

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No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

See Also