MarSTD 2004 documentation
MarSTD version 2004 - (c)2004 - Marcel Smit
[email protected]
[email protected]
This code may not be used in a commercial product without my
permission. If you redistribute it, this message must remain
intact. If you use this code, some acknowledgement would be
appreciated. ;-)
MarSTD is a librairy written by Marcel Smit that provides some basic classes to define and manipulate geometry. It also includes some math functions, geometry generators, geometry compilers, a general purpose file class, and more.
Main features:
- Many geometric primitives.
- Advanced geometric operations like CSG and BSP tree construction.
- Floating point stability.
- Ease of use.
- Quite robust and stable if I may say so. ;)
Take a look at the examples for a good introduction to the librairy. Use these docs as a reference to fill in the gaps. The classes are all meant to be easy and natural to use.
IMHO documentation generated from source code is generally quite poor and not a good starting point to learn use a librairy at all. So again, please take a look at the example code first.
Generated on Tue Feb 8 21:59:02 2005 for MarSTDv2004 by