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MarSTDv2004 Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:CBezier3 | Geometry: 3rd degree bezier patch generator class |
CBrush | Geometry: Brush class |
CBsp | Geometry: BSP class |
CBspPolyData | |
CBspSplitInfo | |
CCompiledBsp | Geometry: BSP class |
CCompiledEdge | Geometry: Compiled / shared edge |
CCompiledMesh | Geometry: Compiled mesh |
CCompiledPolygon | Geometry: Compiled polygon |
CCompiledTexcoord | Geometry: Compiled / shared texture coordinate |
CCompiledVertex | Geometry: Compiled / shared vertex |
CCsg2D | Geometry: 2D CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) |
CCsg3D | Geometry: 3D CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) |
CEdge | Geometry: Edge type |
CFile | IO: FILE wrapper class |
CGeomBuilder | Geometry: Geometry builder object |
CGeomCompiler | Geometry: Geometry compiler |
CIsosurface | Geometry: Iso surface class |
CIsosurfaceMetaball | Geometry: Iso surface: Metaball |
CIsosurfaceValue | Geometry: Iso surface: Grid value |
CIsosurfaceVertex | Geometry: Iso surface: Triangle vertex |
CMatrix | Geometry: Matrix stack |
CMatrix3 | Geometry: 3x3 matrix |
CMatrix4 | Geometry: 4x4 matrix |
CMesh | Geometry: Mesh type |
COctree | Geometry: Octree space partitioning class |
CPlane | Geometry: Plane type |
CPoly | Geometry: Polygon type |
CSphere | Geometry: Sphere type |
CVector | Geometry: 3D vector type |
CVertex | Geometry: Vertex type |
Generated on Tue Feb 8 21:59:30 2005 for MarSTDv2004 by