Types of media files you can add

Microsoft Clip Organizer

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Types of media files you can add

By default, Microsoft Clip Organizer can add the following file types:

File Type Extension
Microsoft Windows Metafile .emf, .wmf
Windows Bitmap .bmp, .dib, .rle
Computer Graphics Metafile .cgm
Graphics Interchange Format .gif
Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpg
Portable Network Graphics .png
Macintosh PICT .pct
Tagged Image File Format .tif
Vector Markup Language .vml
Microsoft Windows Media .avi, .asf, .asx, .rmi, .wma, .wax, .wav

Clip Organizer also supports a number of other common media file types. If you can't import a file into Clip Organizer, it may be because the Setup program for Microsoft Office XP didn't automatically install the filter for that file type. Run Setup again to review or update the list of supported graphic filters.