About adding clips to Clip Organizer

Microsoft Clip Organizer

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About adding clips to Clip Organizer

You can use Microsoft Clip Organizer to gather and store your own photos, animations, videos, and other media files.

The first time you open Clip Organizer, you can choose to let it scan your computer for photos and other media files and then organize the files it finds into separate collections so that you can easily find them later. Clip Organizer doesn't actually copy or move the files on your computer. Instead, Clip Organizer leaves the files in their original location and simply creates shortcuts for the files in collection folders. These shortcuts let you preview, open, or insert a file without having to go to its installed location.

You can add clips yourself or choose to let Clip Organizer scan for new clips any time you want.

Criteria for automatic organizing

Tips for making new clips easier to find