Troubleshoot Clip Organizer

Microsoft Clip Organizer

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Troubleshoot Clip Organizer

Adding clips to documents

I see a red "X" instead of a clip.

I can't play my animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files.

Can I use the latest version of Clip Organizer with earlier Microsoft programs?

Adding clips to Clip Organizer

I see a blank thumbnail.

I get a message about a missing or incompatible graphics filter or media player.

Organizing clips

I get a message saying MStore10.mgc is corrupt.

I can't find the categories I created in Clip Gallery.

I can't find a previously available catalog.

I deleted a clip from Clip Organizer, but it keeps reappearing.

Clip Organizer keeps creating subcollections when I browse collections.

I can't find a button or feature.

Searching for clips

Clip Organizer can't locate my clip.

I can click through the collections and type in a search, but I when I click Search or try to insert a picture, I get an error message that Clip Organizer can't complete the operation.

I added some clips, but they don't appear to be in Clip Organizer, even though the progress meter indicated that they all were added successfully.