

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property AnalysisReportFileName Specifies the file name for the analysis report.
Public property ApplyOutXsl Applies the XSL transformation specified in /outXsl to the analysis report before saving the file.
Public property BuildEngine Gets or sets the instance of the IBuildEngine object used by the task. (inherited from Task)
Public property ConsoleXslFileName Specifies the XSL or XSLT file that contains a transformation to be applied to the analysis output before it is displayed in the console.
Public property DependencyDirectories Specifies additional directories to search for assembly dependencies. FxCopCmd always searches the target assembly directory and the current working directory.
Public property DirectOutputToConsole Directs analysis output to the console or to the Output window in Visual Studio .NET. By default, the XSL file FxCopConsoleOutput.xsl is applied to the output before it is displayed.
Public property ExitCode Gets the returned exit code of the executable file. (inherited from ToolTask)
Public property FailOnError Gets or sets a value indicating whether the build should fail if static code analysis reports errors. Defaults to true.
Public property HostObject Gets or sets the host object associated with the task. (inherited from Task)
Public property ImportFiles Specifies the name of an analysis report or project file to import. Any messages in the imported file that are marked as excluded are not included in the analysis results.
Public property IncludeSummaryReport Includes a summary report with the informational messages returned by FxCopCmd.
Public property Log Gets an instance of a TaskLoggingHelper class containing task logging methods. (inherited from Task)
Public property OutputXslFileName Specifies the XSL or XSLT file that is referenced by the xml-stylesheet processing instruction in the analysis report.
Public property PlatformDirectory Specifies the location of the version of Mscorlib.dll that was used when building the target assemblies if this version is not installed on the computer running FxCopCmd.
Public property ProjectFile Specifies the filename of FxCop project file.
Public property RuleLibraries Specifies the filename(s) of FxCop rule assemblies
Public property Rules The list of rules to run
Public property SaveResults Saves the results of the analysis in the project file.
Public property TargetAssemblies Specifies the target assembly to analyze.
Public property Timeout Gets or sets the amount of time after which the task executable is terminated. (inherited from ToolTask)
Public property ToolPath Gets or sets the path of the executable file to run. (inherited from ToolTask)
Public property TypeList Comma-separated list of type names to analyze. This option disables analysis of assemblies, namespaces, and resources; only the specified types and their members are included in the analysis. Use the wildcard character '*' at the end of the name to select multiple types.
Public property Verbose Gets or sets a value indicating whether the output is verbose.
Public property WorkingDirectory Gets or sets the working directory.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
Family property EnvironmentOverride Gets the override value of the PATH environment variable. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property HelpKeywordPrefix Gets or sets the prefix used to compose Help keywords from resource names. (inherited from Task)
Family property ResponseFileEncoding Gets the Encoding of the response file. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property StandardErrorEncoding Gets the Encoding of the standard error stream of the task. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property StandardErrorLoggingImportance Gets the MessageImportance with which to log errors. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property StandardOutputEncoding Gets the Encoding of the standard output stream of the task. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property StandardOutputLoggingImportance Gets the MessageImportance with which to log errors. (inherited from ToolTask)
Family property TaskResources Gets or sets the culture-specific resources associated with the task. (inherited from Task)
Family property ToolName Overidden. Gets the name of the executable file to run.

See Also

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 2.0.
Documentation version