


  Class Description
Public class VssAdd Task that adds files to a Visual SourceSafe database.
Public class VssBase Base class for all of the Visual SourceSafe tasks. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic)abstractMustInherit and so cannot be instantiated.
Public class VssCheckin Task that executes a checkin against a VSS Database.
Public class VssCheckout Task that executes a checkout of files or projects against a Visual SourceSafe database.
Public class VssClean Task that can strip the source control information from a Visual Studio Solution and subprojects.
Public class VssDiff Task that records differences between the latest version of all the items in a Visual SourceSafe project and another version or label to a file.
Public class VssGet Task that retireves an item or project from a Visual SourceSafe database.
Public class VssHistory Generates an XML file containing details of all changes made to a Visual SourceSafe project or file between specified labels or dates.
Public class VssLabel Task that applies a label to a Visual SourceSafe item.
Public class VssRecursiveBase Base class for VSS tasks that can act recursively. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic)abstractMustInherit and so cannot be instantiated.
Public class VssUndoCheckout Task that undoes a checkout of files or projects against a Visual SourceSafe database.

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 2.0.
Documentation version