ExcludeFile Property


Gets or sets the file that will be used to identify types that are not to have their visibility modified.

Namespace: MSBuild.Community.Tasks
Assembly: MSBuild.Community.Tasks (in MSBuild.Community.Tasks.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property ExcludeFile As ITaskItem
public ITaskItem ExcludeFile { get; set; }
public property ITaskItem ExcludeFile sealed  {
    ITaskItem get();
    void set(ITaskItem value);
/** property */
public ITaskItem get_ExcludeFile();

/** property */
public void set_ExcludeFile(ITaskItem value);
public function get ExcludeFile() : ITaskItem

public function set ExcludeFile(value : ITaskItem);


If an empty item group is provided, then all types in any assembly other than the primary assembly are made non-public.

Omit this parameter to prevent ILMerge from modifying the visibility of any types.

The contents of the file should be one Regex per line. The regular expressions are matched against each type's full name, e.g., System.Collections.IList. If the match fails, it is tried again with the assembly name (surrounded by square brackets) prepended to the type name. Thus, the pattern \[A\].* excludes all types in assembly A from being made non-public. The pattern N.T will match all types named T in the namespace named N no matter what assembly they are defined in.

Corresponds to command line option "/internalize".

The default value is null.

See Also

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 2.0.
Documentation version