

Tasks for MSBuild


  Class Description
Public class AssemblyInfo Generates an AssemblyInfo files
Public class Attrib Changes the attributes of files and/or directories
Public class FileUpdate Replace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression.
Public class FtpUpload Uploads a file using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Public class FxCop Uses FxCop to analyse managed code assemblies and reports on their design best-practice compliance.
Public class GacUtil MSBuild task to install and uninstall asseblies into the GAC
Public class GetSolutionProjects Task to get paths to projects and project names from VS2005 solution file
Public class ILMerge A wrapper for the ILMerge tool.
Public class Mail Sends an email message
Public class Move Moves files on the filesystem to a new location.
Public class NDoc Runs the NDoc application.
Public class NUnit Run NUnit on a group of assemblies.
Public class Prompt Displays a message on the console and waits for user input.
Public class RegexBase Base class for Regex tasks Handles public properties for Input, Expression, Options and Output This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic)abstractMustInherit and so cannot be instantiated.
Public class RegexMatch Task to filter an Input list with a Regex expression. Output list contains items from Input list that matched given expression
Public class RegexReplace Task to replace portions of strings within the Input list Output list contains all the elements of the Input list after performing the Regex Replace.
Public class RegistryRead Reads a value from the Registry
Public class RegistryWrite Writes a value to the Registry
Public class Script Executes code contained within the task.
Public class ServiceController Task that can control a Windows service.
Public class ServiceQuery Task that can determine the status of a specified service on a target server.
Public class Sleep A task for sleeping for a specified period of time.
Public class SqlExecute Executes a SQL command.
Public class TemplateFile MSBuild task that replaces tokens in a template file and writes out a new file.
Public class Time Gets the current date and time.
Public class Unzip Unzip a file to a target directory.
Public class Version Generates version information based on various algorithms
Public class WebDownload Downloads a resource with the specified URI to a local file.
Public class XmlRead Reads a value from a XML document using a XPath.
Public class XmlUpdate Updates a XML document using a XPath.
Public class Xslt A task to merge and transform a set of xml files.
Public class Zip Create a zip file with the files specified.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration GacUtilCommands The list of the commans available to the GacUtil Task
Public enumeration ServiceActions Defines the actions that can be performed on a service.

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 2.0.
Documentation version