

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property BuildEngine Gets or sets the instance of the IBuildEngine object used by the task. (inherited from Task)
Public property Encoding The character encoding used to read and write the file.
Public property Files Gets or sets the files to update.
Public property HostObject Gets or sets the host object associated with the task. (inherited from Task)
Public property IgnoreCase Gets or sets a value specifies case-insensitive matching. .
Public property Log Gets an instance of a TaskLoggingHelper class containing task logging methods. (inherited from Task)
Public property Multiline Gets or sets a value changing the meaning of ^ and $ so they match at the beginning and end, respectively, of any line, and not just the beginning and end of the entire string.
Public property Regex Gets or sets the regex.
Public property ReplacementCount Gets or sets the maximum number of times the replacement can occur.
Public property ReplacementText Gets or sets the replacement text.
Public property Singleline Gets or sets a value changing the meaning of the dot (.) so it matches every character (instead of every character except \n).

Protected Properties

  Name Description
Family property HelpKeywordPrefix Gets or sets the prefix used to compose Help keywords from resource names. (inherited from Task)
Family property TaskResources Gets or sets the culture-specific resources associated with the task. (inherited from Task)

See Also

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 2.0.
Documentation version