BizTalkAssembly Class

MSBuild Extension Pack

BizTalkAssembly Class MSBuild Extension Pack Help
Valid TaskActions are:

Add (Required: Application, Assemblies Optional: MachineName, DatabaseServer, DeploymentPath, Database, Gac, Force, GacOnAddResource, GacOnMSIFileImport, GacOnMSIFileInstall, DestinationLocation)

Remove (Required: Application, Assemblies Optional: MachineName, DatabaseServer, Database)

CheckExists (Required: Application, Assemblies Optional: MachineName, DatabaseServer, Database Output: Exists)

Remote Execution Support: Yes

Inheritance Hierarchy

SystemObject  Microsoft.Build.UtilitiesTask

Namespace: MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk
Assembly: MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk (in MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.dll) Version:

The BizTalkAssembly type exposes the following members.


Public methodBizTalkAssembly

Public propertyApplication
Sets the Application Name
Public propertyAssemblies
Sets the list of Assemblies
Public propertyDatabase
Sets the Management Database to connect to. Default is BizTalkMgmtDb
Public propertyDatabaseServer
Sets the DatabaseServer to connect to. Default is MachineName
Public propertyDeploymentPath
Sets the deployment path for assemblies
Public propertyDestinationLocation
Sets the DestinationLocation
Public propertyExists
Gets whether the assembly / assemblies exist in BizTalk
Public propertyForce
Set to true to overwrite existing assemblies when deploy is called
Public propertyGac
Set to true to gac the biztalk assemblies. Default is true. Note that if you set GacOnMSIFileInstall to true, the assembly will also be added to the gac.
Public propertyGacOnAddResource
Sets whether to GAC the assembly on add resource. Default is true
Public propertyGacOnMsiFileImport
Sets whether to GAC the assembly on file import. Default is true
Public propertyGacOnMsiFileInstall
Sets whether to GAC the assembly on file install. Default is false

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Default" xmlns="">
        <TPath Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\Common\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks')">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\Common\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks</TPath>
    <Import Project="$(TPath)"/>
    <Target Name="Default">
            <BizTalkAssemblies Include="YOURASSEMBLY"/>
        <!-- Add the Assemblies -->
        <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkAssembly TaskAction="Add" Force="true" Gac="true" MachineName="$(COMPUTERNAME)" Application="BizTalk Application 1" Assemblies="@(BizTalkAssemblies)" />
        <!-- Check an Assembly Exists -->
        <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkAssembly TaskAction="CheckExists" MachineName="$(COMPUTERNAME)" Application="BizTalk Application 1" Assemblies="@(BizTalkAssemblies)">
            <Output TaskParameter="Exists" PropertyName="AssemblyExists" />
        <Message Text="ASSEMBLY EXISTS: $(AssemblyExists)"/>
        <!-- Remove the Assemblies -->
        <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkAssembly TaskAction="Remove" MachineName="$(COMPUTERNAME)" Application="BizTalk Application 1" Assemblies="@(BizTalkAssemblies)" />
See Also
