Organization Class

MSBuild Extension Pack

Organization Class MSBuild Extension Pack Help
Valid TaskActions are:

Create (Required: DeploymentUrl, DisplayName, Name, SqlServerInstance, SsrsUrl Optional: Timeout, ConnectionTimeout)

UpdateSettings (Required: OrganizationUrl, Settings) Optional ConnectionTimeout

Inheritance Hierarchy

SystemObject  Microsoft.Build.UtilitiesTask

Namespace: MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Crm
Assembly: MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Crm (in MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Crm.dll) Version:

The Organization type exposes the following members.


Public methodOrganization

Public propertyConnectionTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout in minutes for connecting to Crm Service. Default is 3 minutes.
Public propertyDeploymentUrl
Sets the Url of the Microsoft Dynamics Crm Deployment Service
Public propertyDisplayName
Sets the Display name of the Organization
Public propertyName
Sets the Name of the Organization.
Public propertyOrganizationUrl
Sets the Url of the Organization, whose setting needs to be changed.
Public propertySettings
Sets the Organization settings to update.
Public propertySqlServerInstance
Sets the name of the SQL Server instance that will host the database of the new Organization
Public propertySsrsUrl
Sets the SSRS Url for the new Organization that is created.
Public propertyTimeout
The time in minutes for which the task would wait for the new Organization to be created. Default is 20.

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Default" xmlns="">
        <TPath Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\Common\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks')">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\Common\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks</TPath>
    <Import Project="$(TPath)"/>
    <Target Name="Default">
        <!-- Create an Organization -->
        <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Crm.Organization TaskAction="Create" DeploymentUrl="http://crmwebserver/XRMDeployment/2011/Deployment.svc" Name="organization1" DisplayName="Organization 1" SqlServerInstance="MySqlServer" SsrsUrl="http://reports1/ReportServer" Timeout="20" />
    <Target Name="UpdateSettings">
        <!-- Update an Organization's Settings -->
            <Settings Include="pricingdecimalprecision">
            <Settings Include="localeid">
            <Settings Include="isauditenabled">
        <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Crm.Organization TaskAction="UpdateSetting" OrganizationUrl="http://crm/organization1" Settings="@(Settings)" />
See Also
