MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Xml Namespace

MSBuild Extension Pack

MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Xml Namespace MSBuild Extension Pack Help


This namespace currently hosts the XmlTask

  Class Description
Public class Code example XmlFile
Valid TaskActions are:

AddAttribute (Required: File, Element or XPath, Key, Value Optional:Prefix, Namespaces, RetryCount)

AddElement (Required: File, Element and ParentElement or Element and XPath, Optional: Prefix, Key, Value, Namespaces, RetryCount, InnerText, InnerXml, InsertBeforeXPath / InsertAfterXPath)

ReadAttribute (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces Output: Value)

ReadElements (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces, ReadChildrenToMetadata Output: Elements). Attributes are added as metadata. Use ReadChildrenToMetadata to add first level children as metadata

ReadElementText (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces Output: Value)

ReadElementXml (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces Output: Value)

RemoveAttribute (Required: File, Key, Element or XPath Optional: Namespaces, RetryCount)

RemoveElement (Required: File, Element and ParentElement or Element and XPath Optional: Namespaces, RetryCount)

UpdateAttribute (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces, Key, Value, RetryCount)

UpdateElement (Required: File, XPath Optional: Namespaces, InnerText, InnerXml, RetryCount)

Remote Execution Support: NA

Public class Code example XmlTask
Valid TaskActions are:

Transform (Required: Xml or XmlFile, XslTransform or XslTransformFile Optional: Conformance, Indent, OmitXmlDeclaration, OutputFile, TextEncoding Output: Output)

Validate (Required: Xml or XmlFile, SchemaFiles Optional: TargetNamespace Output: IsValid, Output)

Remote Execution Support: NA