MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Loggers Namespace

MSBuild Extension Pack

MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Loggers Namespace MSBuild Extension Pack Help

  Class Description
Public class SecureFileLogger

This logger can be used to replace text that is logged with hashes (#) based on a set of Regular Expression matches




Logfile: A optional parameter that specifies the file in which to store the log information. Defaults to securemsbuild.log

RuleFile: A optional parameter that specifies the file in which to read regular expressions from. Use one Regular Expression per line. Defaults to (?i:.*password.*)

Append: An optional boolean parameter that indicates whether or not to append the log to the specified file: true to add the log to the text already present in the file; false to overwrite the contents of the file. The default is false.

Verbosity: An optional parameter that overrides the global verbosity setting for this file logger only. This enables you to log to several loggers, each with a different verbosity.

Encoding: An optional parameter that specifies the encoding for the file, for example, UTF-8.

Public class Code example SqlLogger

The SqlLogger can be used to log the output of builds to Microsoft SQLServer database




BID (BUILDID/BUILDIDENTIFIER): An optional parameter that specifies the Build ID to associate with the build.

BN (BUILDNAME): An optional parameter that specifies the Build Name to associate with the build.

DS (DATASOURCE): An optional parameter that specifies the DataSource to use in the connectionstring. Defaults to "." (i.e. local).

IC (INITIALCATALOG): An optional parameter that specifies the InitialCatalog to use in the connectionstring. Defaults to "MSBuildLogs".

SP (STOREDPROCEDURE): An optional parameter that specifies the Stored Procedure to call. Defaults to "msbep_SqlLogger".

CL (CLEARLOG): An optional parameter that clears the log for the specified BID before logging starts.

Verbosity: An optional parameter that overrides the global verbosity setting for this logger only.

Public class XmlFileLogger

This logger can be used to log in xml format




Logfile: A optional parameter that specifies the file in which to store the log information. Defaults to msbuild.xml

Verbosity: An optional parameter that overrides the global verbosity setting for this file logger only. This enables you to log to several loggers, each with a different verbosity. The verbosity setting is case sensitive.

Encoding: An optional parameter that specifies the encoding for the file, for example, UTF-8.