Utilities Properties

MSBuild Extension Pack

Utilities Properties MSBuild Extension Pack Help

The Utilities type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Static member SoftwareRegistry32Bit
Returns the 32 bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key. May return null if it doesn't exist. Dispose of the return value.
Public property Static member SoftwareRegistry64Bit
Returns the 64 bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key. May return null if it doesn't exist. Dispose of the return value.
Public property Static member SoftwareRegistryNative
For a 32 bit process, it returns the 32 bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key, otherwise the 64 bit one. May return null if it doesn't exist. Dispose of the return value.
Public property Static member SoftwareRegistryNonnative
For a 32 bit process, it returns the 64 bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key, otherwise the 32 bit one. May return null if it doesn't exist. Dispose of the return value.
See Also
