ForeignType property
Returns the subtype of a Shape object that represents a foreign object.
Version added
retVal = object.ForeignType
If the Type property of a Shape object returns any value other than visTypeForeignObject, the ForeignType property returns the same value as the Shape object's Type property. If the Type property of a Shape object returns visTypeForeignObject, the ForeignType property returns a combination of the following values.
Constant |
Value |
visTypeMetafile |
&H0010 |
visTypeBitmap |
&H0020 |
visTypeIsLinked |
&H0100 |
visTypeIsEmbedded |
&H0200 |
visTypeIsControl |
&H0400 |
visTypeIsOLE2 |
&H8000 |
If the shape represents an OLE 2.0 embedded object, for example, its ForeignType property is &H8200.