CellsRowIndex[U] property

Microsoft Visio Developer Reference

CellsRowIndex[U] property

See also   Example   

Returns the index of a row to which a cell belongs.

Version added



intRet = object.CellsRowIndex(stringExpression)


Optional Integer. The index of the row containing the cell named in stringEspression.


Required. An expression that returns a Shape object that contains the cell.


Required String. The name of a ShapeSheet cell.


Beginning with Visio 2000 products, you can refer to Visio shapes, masters, styles, pages, rows, and layers using local and universal names. When a user names a shape, for example, the user is specifying a local name. Universal names are not visible through the user interface. As a developer, you can use universal names in a program when you don't want to change a name each time a solution is localized. Use the CellsRowIndex property to get a cell's row index using the cell's local name. Use the CellsRowIndexU property to get a cell's row index using the cell's universal name.