FollowHyperlink method
Navigates to an arbitrary document-based hyperlink.
Version added
| |
object |
Required. An expression that returns a Document object. |
Address |
Required String. The address to which you want to navigate. |
SubAddress |
Required String. The subaddress to which you want to navigate; if you don't need this information, pass an empty string. |
ExtraInfo |
Optional Variant. Extra URL request information to use in resolving the URL. |
Frame |
Optional Variant. The HTML frame to which to navigate. |
NewWindow |
Optional Variant. Specifies if a new window is to be opened. |
res1 |
Optional. Unused. |
res2 |
Optional. Unused. |
res3 |
Optional. Unused. |
From Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications, do not pass a value for optional arguments. From C/C++, pass an empty variant for optional arguments.
Visio 4.5 provided an undocumented Hyperlink method for a Document object with the following signature:
HRESULT FollowHyperlink[in] BSTR Target, [in] BSTR Location);
Visio 5.0 and later still support this method but it has been renamed to FollowHyperlink45:
HRESULT FollowHyperlink45[in] BSTR Target, [in] BSTR Location);