Microsoft Visio Developer Reference
Welcome to the Microsoft Visio Developer Reference documentation. This documentation includes the following:
- Automation Reference
The topics in this section provide an overview of the Automation Reference, including information about the Visio object model, the Visio type library, extending the functionality of Visio with macros, add-ons, and COM (Component Object Model) add-ins, and a sample Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro.
Look here for details on Visio objects, properties, methods, and events. This reference also includes information about common Automation tasks, such as starting the Visual Basic Editor; viewing Visio object, property, method, and event descriptions in the Object Browser; and running macros and add-ons.
- ShapeSheet Reference
The topics in this section provide an overview of the ShapeSheet Reference, including information about working with formulas, strings, date and time values, units of measure, and information about common ShapeSheet tasks, such as adding and deleting ShapeSheet sections, and referencing cells from formulas.
Look here for details on each section, row, and cell in a ShapeSheet spreadsheet and details on functions you can use in formulas.