name Attribute (menuArea Element)

Microsoft Office InfoPath

name Attribute (menuArea Element)

Corresponds to one of the built-in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 top-level menus.




The name attribute is a required attribute of the menuArea element.

There cannot be more than one menu area with the same name within a given view.

InfoPath has the following named menu areas that correspond to the built-in menu elements that can be customized using the menuArea element:

Name Description
msoFileMenu Menu items that are added to the File menu.
msoEditMenu Menu items that are added to the Edit menu.
msoInsertMenu Menu items that are added to the Insert menu.
msoViewMenu Menu items that are added to the View menu.
msoFormatMenu Menu items that are added to the Format menu.
msoToolsMenu Menu items that are added to the Tools menu.
msoTableMenu Menu items that are added to the Table menu.
msoHelpMenu Menu items that are added to the Help menu.
msoStructuralEditingContextMenu Menu items that are added to the right-click shortcut menu.


The following is an example of the name attribute as it is used in the menuArea element:

    <xsf:menuArea name="msoInsertMenu">
   <xsf:menu caption="&amp;Section">
      <xsf:button action="xCollection::insert" xmlToEdit="CD_10"
         caption="CD" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
      <xsf:button action="xCollection::insert" xmlToEdit="Track_14" 
         caption="Track" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
      <xsf:button action="xOptional::insert" xmlToEdit="Label_16" 