Accessing form data
When you want to extend the functionality of a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 form, it is often necessary to programmatically access information about the form's underlying XML document, access the data that the XML document contains, or perform some action on the XML document. The InfoPath object model supports access and manipulation of a form's underlying XML document through the use of the XDocument object in association with the XDocuments collection.
The XDocument object is one of the most useful objects within the InfoPath object model because it provides a variety of properties, methods, and events that not only interact with a form's underlying XML document, but also perform many of the actions that are within the InfoPath user interface.
Overview of the XDocuments collection
The XDocuments collection provides the following methods and properties that form developers can use to manage the XDocument objects that the collection contains.
Name | Description |
Close method | Closes the specified form |
New method | Creates a new form based on an existing form |
NewFromSolution method | Creates a new form based on an existing form template |
NewFromSolutionWithData method | Creates a new Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 form using the specified XML data and form template. |
Open method | Opens the specified form |
Count property | Returns a count of the number of XDocument objects contained in the collection |
Item property | Returns a reference to the specified XDocument object |
Overview of the XDocument object
The XDocument object provides the following methods and properties that form developers can use to interact with and perform actions on a form's underlying XML document.
Name | Description |
GetDataVariable method | Returns the string value of a specified data variable |
GetDOM method | Returns a reference to the XML Document Object Model (DOM) associated with the specified DataObject object |
ImportFile method | Imports (or merges) the specified form with the currently open form |
PrintOut method | Prints the current view of a form |
Query method | Retrieves data from a form's associated data adapter |
Save method | Saves the currently open form |
SaveAs method | Saves the currently open form with the specified name |
SetDataVariable method | Sets the value of a specified data variable |
Submit method | Submits a form according to the submit operation established in design mode |
DataObjects property | Returns a reference to the DataObjects collection |
DOM property | Returns a reference to the XML DOM that is populated with the source XML data of a form |
Errors property | Returns a reference to the Errors collection |
Extension property | Returns a reference to an object representing all of the functions and variables contained in a form's scripting file |
IsDirty property | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the data in the form has been changed |
IsDOMReadOnly property | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the XML DOM is set as read-only |
IsNew property | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the form was saved after it was created |
IsReadOnly property | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the form is in read-only mode |
IsSigned property | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the form is digitally signed |
Language property | Specifies or returns the string value of the language used for the form |
QueryAdapter property | Returns a reference to the data adapter object |
Solution property | Returns a reference to the Solution object |
UI property | Returns a reference to the UI object |
URI property | Returns a string value containing the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the form |
View property | Returns a reference to the View object |
ViewInfos property | Returns a reference to the ViewInfos collection |
Note The XDocument object also implements five events that are not shown in the preceding table. For information about these events, see the XDocument object language reference topic in the InfoPath Developer's Reference.
Using the XDocuments collection and the XDocument object
The XDocuments collection is accessed through the XDocuments property of the Application object. When using the XDocuments collection to access a form's underlying XML document, you pass a long integer or a string to the Item method to return a reference to an XDocument object. For example, if you have a form named MyForm, both of the following lines of code will return a reference to the same XDocument object if it is the first XDocument object in the XDocuments collection:
var objXDocs;
objXDocs = Application.XDocuments(0);
// is the same as using...
objXDocs = Application.XDocuments("MyForm");
However, it is much simpler to access a form's underlying XML document by using the XDocument object directly, without using the XDocuments collection. This is possible because the XDocument object is embedded directly in the InfoPath script engine. For example, the following code performs the same operation as the previous example:
var objXDoc;
objXDoc = XDocument;
Note When you use the XDocument object to access a form's underlying XML document, you are accessing the XML document that is associated with the currently open form.
A key property of the XDocument object is the DOM property. This property returns a reference to the XML DOM that is populated with the source XML data of a form. When using the DOM property, you can use any of the properties and methods that are supported by the XML DOM. For example, the following code uses the xml property of the XML DOM to return all of the contents of a form's underlying XML document:
var strXML;
strXML = XDocument.DOM.xml;
Note To learn more about the XML DOM and all of the properties and methods that it supports, see the MSXML 5.0 SDK documentation in the Microsoft Script Editor (MSE) Help system.