Table of contents
InfoPath Developer's Reference
- About the InfoPath Developer's Reference
Programming Concepts
Programming InfoPath
- About ActiveX controls
- About ADO.NET dataset integration
- About backward compatibility
- About changing a form's main data source
- About digital signatures
- About enabling forms to submit data
- About form architecture
- About Human Workflow Services support
- About programming InfoPath
- About secondary data sources
- About security and deployment
- About the form definition file
- About the programming environment
- About Visual Studio .NET integration
- About XML Schema improvements
- Understanding the InfoPath Object Model
Programming InfoPath
- Developer Sample Forms
InfoPath Object Model Reference
- InfoPath Object Model Diagram
- Collections
- ADOAdapter Object
- Application Object
- Button Object
- Certificate Object
- DataDOM Object
- DataDOMEvent Object
- DataObject Object
- Date Object
- DAVAdapter Object
- DocActionEvent Object
- DocContextChangeEvent Object
- DocEvent Object
- DocReturnEvent Object
- EmailAdapter Object
- Error Object
- ExternalApplication Object
- HTMLTaskPane Object
- HTMLTaskPaneExternal Object
- HWSAdapter object
- InfoPathControl Object
- InfoPathControlSite Object
- MailEnvelope Object
- Math Object
- MergeEvent Object
- SaveEvent Object
- SharepointListAdapter Object
- Signature Object
- SignedDataBlock Object
- SignEvent Object
- Solution Object
- TaskPane Object
- UI Object
- User Object
- Util Object
- VersionUpgradeEvent Object
- View Object
- ViewInfo Object
- WebServiceAdapter Object
- Window Object
- XDocument Object
- XMLFileAdapter Object
- Active Property
- ActiveWindow Property
- AttachmentFileName Property
- BCC Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- BCC Property (Index)
- BCC Property (MailEnvelope Object)
- Caption Property (Index)
- Caption Property (SignedDataBlock Object)
- Caption Property (Window Object)
- CC Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- CC Property (MailEnvelope Object)
- CC Propety (Index)
- Certificate Property
- Command Property
- CommandBars Property
- Comment Property
- ConditionName Property
- Connection Property
- Context Property
- Count Property (DataAdapters Collection)
- Count Property (DataObjects Collection)
- Count Property (Errors Collection)
- Count Property (Index)
- Count Property (MergeEvent Object)
- Count Property (Signatures Collection)
- Count Property (SignedDataBlocks Collection)
- Count Property (TaskPanes Collection)
- Count Property (ViewInfos Collection)
- Count Property (Windows Collection)
- Count Property (XDocuments Collection)
- Count Property (XMLNodes Collection)
- DataAdapters Property
- DataObjects Property
- Date Property
- DetailedErrorMessage Property
- DocumentVersion Property
- DOM Property (DataObject Object)
- DOM Property (Index)
- DOM Property (MergeEvent Object)
- DOM Property (Solution Object)
- DOM Property (XDocument Object)
- ErrorCode Property
- Errors Property
- ErrorsLocation Property
- ExpirationDate Property
- Extension Property
- FileName Property (DAVAdapter Object)
- FileName Property (Index)
- FileName Property (SaveEvent Object)
- FileURL Property
- FolderURL Property
- Height Property
- HTMLDocument Property
- HTMLWindow Property
- Index Property
- Input Property
- Intro Property
- IsCancelled Property
- IsDefault Property
- IsDirty Property
- IsDOMReadOnly Property
- IsNew Property
- IsReadOnly Property
- IsRecovered Property
- IsSaveAs Property
- IsSigned Property
- IssuedBy Property
- IssuedTo Property
- IsUndoRedo Property (DataDOMEvent Object)
- IsUndoRedo Property (DocContextChangeEvent Object)
- IsUndoRedo Property (Index)
- Item Property (DataAdapters Collection)
- Item Property (DataObjects Collection)
- Item Property (Errors Collection)
- Item Property (Index)
- Item Property (Signatures Collection)
- Item Property (SignedDataBlocks Collection)
- Item Property (TaskPanes Collection)
- Item Property (ViewInfos Collection)
- Item Property (Windows Collection)
- Item Property (XDocuments Collection)
- Item Property (XMLNodes Collection)
- Language Property
- LanguageSettings Property
- Left Property
- MachineOnlineState Property
- MailEnvelope Property
- MatchExpression Property
- Math Property
- Name Property (ADOAdapter Object)
- Name Property (Application Object)
- Name Property (DataObject Object)
- Name Property (DAVAdapter Object)
- Name Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- Name Property (HWSAdapter Object)
- Name Property (Index)
- Name Property (SharePointListAdapter Object)
- Name Property (SignedDataBlock Object)
- Name Property (View Object)
- Name Property (ViewInfo Object)
- Name Property (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- Name Property (XMLFileAdapter Object)
- NewValue Property
- Node Property (Error Object)
- Node Property (Index)
- Node Property (InfoPathControlSite Object)
- OldValue Property
- Operation Property (DataDOMEvent Object)
- Operation Property (Index)
- Operation Property (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- OutputLocation Property
- PackageURL Property
- Parent Property
- QueryAdapter Property (DataObject Object)
- QueryAdapter Property (Index)
- QueryAdapter Property (XDocument Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (ADOAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (DAVAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (HWSAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (Index)
- QueryAllowed Property (SharePointListAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- QueryAllowed Property (XMLFileAdapter Object)
- ReturnMessage Property
- ReturnStatus Property (DataDOMEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (DocActionEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (DocReturnEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (Index)
- ReturnStatus Property (MergeEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (SaveEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (SignEvent Object)
- ReturnStatus Property (VersionUpgradeEvent Object)
- Role Property
- RollBack Property (MergeEvent object)
- ShortErrorMessage Property
- SignatureBlockXmlNode Property
- SignatureContainer Property
- SignatureRelation Property
- Signatures Property
- SignedDataBlock Property
- SignedDataBlocks Property
- Site Property
- SiteUrl Property
- Solution Property
- SolutionVersion Property
- Source Property (DataDOMEvent Object)
- Source Property (DocActionEvent Object)
- Source Property (Index)
- Status Property (Certificate Object)
- Status Property (Index)
- Status Property (Signature Object)
- Subject Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- Subject Property (MailEnvelope Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (ADOAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (DAVAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (HWSAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (Index)
- SubmitAllowed Property (SharePointListAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- SubmitAllowed Property (XMLFileAdapter Object)
- TaskPanes Property
- Timeout Property (ADOAdapter Object)
- Timeout Property (Index)
- Timeout Property (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- To Property (EmailAdapter Object)
- To Property (Index)
- To Property (MailEnvelope Object)
- Top Property
- Type Property (DocContextChangeEvent Object)
- Type Property (Error Object)
- Type Property (HTMLTaskPane Object)
- Type Property (Index)
- Type Property (TaskPane Object)
- Type Property (Window Object)
- UI Property
- URI Property (Index)
- URI Property (Solution Object)
- URI Property (XDocument Object)
- UsableHeight Property
- UsableWidth Property
- User Property
- Util Property
- Version Property (Application Object)
- Version Property (Index)
- Version Property (Solution Object)
- View Property
- ViewInfos Property
- Visible Property (HTMLTaskPane Object)
- Visible Property (Index)
- Visible Property (MailEnvelope Object)
- Visible Property (TaskPane Object)
- Width Property
- Window Property (HTMLTaskPaneExternal Object)
- Window Property (Index)
- Window Property (View Object)
- Windows Property
- WindowState Property
- WSDLURL Property
- XDocument Property (DataDOMEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (DocActionEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (DocContextChangeEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (DocEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (DocReturnEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (HTMLTaskPaneExternal Object)
- XDocument Property (Index)
- XDocument Property (InfoPathControlSite Object)
- XDocument Property (MergeEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (SignEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (VersionUpgradeEvent Object)
- XDocument Property (Window Object)
- XDocuments Property
- XPath Property
- XPathNamespaceDeclarations Property
- Activate Method
- Add Method
- Alert Method
- Avg Method
- BuildSQLFromXMLNodes Method
- CacheSolution Method (Application Object)
- CacheSolution Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- CacheSolution Method (Index)
- Close Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- Close Method (Index)
- Close Method (Window Object)
- Close Method (XDocuments Collection)
- Confirm Method
- Create Method
- CreateDOM Method
- Delete Method
- DeleteAll Method
- DisableAutoUpdate Method
- Enable Method
- EnableAutoUpdate Method
- Eval Method
- ExecuteAction Method
- Export Method
- ForceUpdate Method
- FormatString Method
- GenerateDataSetDiffGram Method
- GetContextNodes Method
- GetDataVariable Method
- GetDOM Method
- GetNamedNodeProperty Method
- GetSelectedNodes Method
- ImportDOM Method
- ImportFile Method
- Init Method
- IsCurrentUser Method
- IsDestinationReachable Method
- IsUserMemberOf Method
- Match Method
- Max Method
- Min Method
- Navigate Method
- New Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- New Method (Index)
- New Method (XDocuments Collection)
- NewADODBConnection Method
- NewADODBRecordset Method
- NewFromSolution Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- NewFromSolution Method (Index)
- NewFromSolution Method (XDocuments Collection)
- NewFromSolutionWithData Method
- Now Method
- Nz Method
- Open Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- Open Method (Index)
- Open Method (XDocuments Collection)
- PerformSaveOperation Method
- PrintOut Method
- Query Method (ADOAdapter Object)
- Query Method (DataObject Object)
- Query Method (DAVAdapter Object)
- Query Method (EmailAdapter Object)
- Query Method (HWSAdapter Object)
- Query Method (Index)
- Query Method (SharePointListAdapter Object)
- Query Method (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- Query Method (XDocument Object)
- Query Method (XMLFileAdapter Object)
- Quit Method (Application Object)
- Quit Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- Quit Method (Index)
- RegisterSolution Method (Application Object)
- RegisterSolution Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- RegisterSolution Method (Index)
- ReportError Method
- Save Method
- SaveAs Method
- SaveState Method
- SelectNodes Method
- SelectText Method
- SetDataVariable Method
- SetDirty Method
- SetNamedNodeProperty Method
- SetSaveAsDialogFileName Method
- SetSaveAsDialogLocation Method
- ShowMailItem Method
- ShowModalDialog Method
- ShowSignatureDialog Method
- Sign Method (Index)
- Sign Method (Signature Object)
- Sign Method (SignedDataBlock Object)
- Submit Method (ADOAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (DAVAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (EmailAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (HWSAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (Index)
- Submit Method (SharePointListAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (WebServiceAdapter Object)
- Submit Method (XDocument Object)
- Submit Method (XMLFileAdapter Object)
- SubmitData Method (DavAdapter Object)
- SubmitData Method (EmailAdapter Object)
- SubmitData Method (Index)
- SwitchView Method
- Today Method
- Uninit Method
- UnregisterSolution Method (Application Object)
- UnregisterSolution Method (ExternalApplication Object)
- UnregisterSolution Method (Index)
- Events
- Enumerations
InfoPath XSF Reference
- InfoPath XSF Diagram
- InfoPath XSF Schema
- Namespaces
- xdDesignMode Type
- xdEmptyString Type
- xdEnabledDisabled Type
- xdErrorMessage Type
- xdExpressionLiteral simpleType
- xdFileName Type
- xdHWSCaption simpleType
- xdHWSname simpleType
- xdManualAuto Type
- xdRoleName Type
- xdScriptLanguage Type
- xdSignatureRelationEnum Type
- xdSignedDataBlockMessage Type
- xdSignedDataBlockName Type
- xdSolutionVersion Type
- xdTitle Type
- xdTrustLevel Type
- xdViewName Type
- xdYesNo Type
- Groups
- action Element
- adoAdapter Element
- allowedActions Element
- allowedControl Element
- allowedTasks Element
- applicationParameters Element
- assignmentAction Element
- attachmentFileName Element
- attributeData Element
- autoRecovery Element
- bcc Element
- button Element
- calculatedField Element
- calculations Element
- cc Element
- chooseFragment Element
- closeDocumentAction Element
- customCategory Element
- customValidation Element
- dataAdapters Element
- dataObject Element
- dataObjects Element
- davAdapter Element
- dialogBoxExpressionAction Element
- dialogBoxMessageAction Element
- documentSchema Element
- documentSchemas Element
- documentSignatures Element
- documentVersionUpgrade Element
- domEventHandler Element
- domEventHandlers Element
- editing Element
- editWith Element
- emailAdapter Element
- errorCondition Element
- errorMessage Element
- exitRuleSet Element
- exportToExcel Element
- exportToWeb Element
- extension Element
- extensions Element
- externalView element
- externalViews element
- featureRestrictions Element
- field Element
- field Element (sharepointListAdapter Element)
- fields Element
- file Element
- fileName Element
- fileNew Element
- fileProperties Element
- files Element
- folderURL Element
- footer Element
- fragmentToInsert Element
- getUserNameFromData Element
- group Element
- header Element
- hwsAdapter Element
- hwsOperation Element
- hwsWorkflow Element
- importParameters Element
- importSource Element
- initialXmlDocument Element
- input Element
- intro Element
- listProperties Element
- location Element
- mainpane Element
- masterDetail element
- membership Element
- menu Element
- menuArea Element
- message Element
- onLoad Element
- openNewDocumentAction Element
- operation Element
- override Element
- package Element
- partFragment Element
- permissions Element
- print Element
- printSettings Element
- property Element
- query Element
- query element (dataObject element)
- queryAction Element
- role Element
- roles Element
- rule Element
- ruleSet Element
- ruleSetAction Element
- ruleSets Element
- save Element
- save Element (featureRestrictions Element)
- schemaErrorMessages Element
- script Element
- scripts Element
- sendMail Element
- sharepointListAdapter Element
- signedDataBlock Element
- solutionProperties Element
- subject Element
- submit Element
- submitAction Element (rule Element)
- submitAction element (submit element)
- successMessage Element
- switchViewAction Element
- task Element
- taskpane Element
- to Element
- toolbar Element
- unboundControls Element
- useHttpHandler Element
- useQueryAdapter Element
- userName Element
- useScriptHandler Element
- useTransform Element
- view Element
- views Element
- webServiceAdapter Element
- xDocumentClass Element
- xmlFileAdapter Element
- xmlToEdit Element
- action Attribute
- actionTypeID Attribute
- adapter Attribute (queryAction Element)
- adapter Attribute (submitAction Element of rule Element)
- adapter Attribute (submitAction Element of submit Element)
- aggregation Attribute
- allowCustomization Attribute
- allowedFileTypes attribute
- application Attribute
- attribute Attribute
- author Attribute
- autoComplete Attribute
- automaticallyCreateNodes Attribute
- bottomMargin Attribute
- cabFile Attribute
- canInitiateWorkflow Attribute
- caption Attribute (action Element)
- caption Attribute (button Element)
- caption Attribute (editWith Element)
- caption Attribute (initialXmlDocument Element)
- caption Attribute (menu Element)
- caption Attribute (rule Element)
- caption Attribute (submit Element)
- caption Attribute (task Element)
- caption Attribute (taskpane Element)
- caption Attribute (toolbar Element)
- caption Attribute (view Element)
- clsid Attribute
- collate attribute
- columnName Attribute
- commandText Attribute
- component Attribute
- condition Attribute
- connectionString Attribute
- container Attribute
- copies attribute
- data Attribute
- dataFormSolution Attribute
- dataObject attribute (domEventHandler element)
- dataObject attribute (getUserNameFromData element)
- dataObject attribute (partFragment element)
- default Attribute
- default attribute (roles element)
- description Attribute
- designMode Attribute (view Element)
- detailKey attribute
- disableMenuItem Attribute
- enabled Attribute
- enforceScriptTimeout attribute
- expression Attribute
- expression Attribute (assignmentAction Element)
- expression attribute (calculatedField element)
- expressionContext Attribute
- feature Attribute
- field Attribute
- fileUrl Attribute
- filter attribute
- filterDependency attribute
- followingSiblings Attribute
- footer Attribute
- fullyEditableNamespace Attribute
- handlerObject Attribute
- header Attribute
- hideStatusBarDisplay attribute
- href Attribute (initialXmlDocument Element)
- href Attribute (taskpane Element)
- href Attribute (useHttpHandler Element)
- icon Attribute
- infopathGroup Attribute
- infopathName Attribute
- initiator attribute
- initOnLoad Attribute
- innerFragment Attribute
- isEnabled Attribute
- isLookup Attribute
- item Attribute
- language Attribute
- lastOpenView Attribute
- lastVersionNeedingTransform Attribute
- leftMargin Attribute
- location Attribute
- marginUnitsType Attribute
- master attribute
- masterKey attribute
- masterViewContext attribute
- match Attribute (domEventHandler Element)
- match Attribute (errorCondition Element)
- match Attribute (override Element)
- match Attribute (partFragment Element)
- maxLength Attribute
- maxLength attribute (editWith element)
- maxVersionToUpgrade Attribute
- memberOf attribute (getUserNameFromData element)
- memberOf attribute (group element)
- memberOf attribute (userName element)
- method Attribute
- minVersionToUpgrade Attribute
- mode attribute
- name attribute (action element)
- name attribute (adoAdapter element)
- name Attribute (button Element)
- name Attribute (customCategory Element)
- name Attribute (dataObject Element)
- name attribute (davAdapter element)
- name attribute (emailAdapter element)
- name Attribute (extension Element)
- name attribute (externalView element)
- name Attribute (field Element)
- name Attribute (file Element)
- name attribute (group element)
- name attribute (hwsAdapter element)
- name Attribute (importSource Element)
- name Attribute (menuArea Element)
- name Attribute (operation Element)
- name Attribute (property Element)
- name attribute (role element)
- name attribute (ruleSet element)
- name attribute (sharepointListAdapter element)
- name attribute (signedDataBlock element)
- name attribute (task element)
- name Attribute (toolbar Element)
- name attribute (userName element)
- name Attribute (view Element)
- name attribute (webServiceAdapter element)
- name Attribute (xDocumentClass Element)
- name attribute (xmlFileAdapter element)
- name Attribute (xmlToEdit Element)
- node Attribute
- onAfterSubmit Attribute
- orientation Attribute
- overwriteAllowed attribute
- pageRangeEnd attribute
- pageRangeStart attribute
- paperSize attribute
- paperSource attribute
- parent Attribute
- printerName attribute
- printerSpecificSettings attribute
- printView Attribute
- productVersion Attribute
- promptToSaveChanges attribute
- proofing Attribute
- publishSaveUrl attribute
- publishUrl Attribute
- queryAllowed Attribute (adoAdapter Element)
- queryAllowed attribute (davAdapter element)
- queryAllowed attribute (emailAdapter element)
- queryAllowed attribute (hwsAdapter element)
- queryAllowed attribute (sharepointListAdapter element)
- queryAllowed Attribute (webServiceAdapter Element)
- refresh attribute
- removeAncestors Attribute
- replaceWith Attribute
- required Attribute
- requireFullTrust Attribute
- rightMargin Attribute
- rootSchema Attribute
- ruleSet Attribute
- schema Attribute (dataObject Element)
- schema Attribute (importSource Element)
- scriptLanguage Attribute
- select Attribute
- sendAsString attribute
- serviceUrl Attribute
- serviceUrl Attribute (hwsOperation Element)
- sharepointGuid Attribute
- sharepointName Attribute
- shortMessage Attribute
- showErrorOn Attribute
- showIf Attribute
- showMenuItem Attribute
- showSignatureReminder Attribute
- showStatusDialog Attribute
- signatureLocation Attribute
- signatureLocation Attribute (signedDataBlock Element)
- siteUrl Attribute
- soapAction Attribute
- solutionFormatVersion Attribute
- solutionURI Attribute
- solutionVersion Attribute
- source Attribute
- src Attribute
- submitAllowed Attribute (adoAdapter Element)
- submitAllowed Attribute (davAdapter Element)
- submitAllowed Attribute (emailAdapter Element)
- submitAllowed Attribute (hwsAdapter Element)
- submitAllowed Attribute (sharepointListAdapter Element)
- submitAllowed Attribute (webServiceAdapter Element)
- target Attribute (calculatedField Element)
- targetField Attribute
- taskpaneVisible attribute
- taskTypeID attribute
- tooltip Attribute
- topMargin Attribute
- transform Attribute (importSource Element)
- transform Attribute (mainpane Element)
- transform Attribute (useTransform Element)
- treatBlankValueAsZero attribute
- trustLevel attribute
- trustSetting attribute
- type Attribute (editWith Element)
- type Attribute (errorMessage Element)
- type Attribute (field Element)
- type attribute (hwsOperation element)
- type Attribute (property Element)
- typeID attribute
- ui Attribute (exportToExcel Element)
- ui Attribute (exportToWeb Element)
- ui Attribute (print Element)
- ui Attribute (save Element)
- ui Attribute (sendMail Element)
- url attribute
- useDataSet attribute
- useFilter attribute
- useScriptHandler Attribute
- value attribute (attachmentFileName element)
- value Attribute (attributeData Element)
- value attribute (bcc element)
- value attribute (cc element)
- value attribute (fileName element)
- value attribute (folderURL element)
- value attribute (intro element)
- value Attribute (property Element)
- value attribute (subject element)
- value attribute (to element)
- valueType attribute (attachmentFileName element)
- valueType attribute (bcc element)
- valueType attribute (cc element)
- valueType attribute (fileName element)
- valueType attribute (subject element)
- valueType attribute (to element)
- version Attribute
- view attribute
- viewable Attribute
- viewContext Attribute
- widgetIcon attribute
- wsdlUrl Attribute
- wsdlUrl attribute (hwsAdapter element)
- xmlns Attribute
- xmlToEdit Attribute