IsSigned Property

Microsoft Office InfoPath

A read-only property that returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 form has been digitally signed using digital signatures.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a reference to an XDocument object.

Security Level

2: Can be accessed only by forms running in the same domain as the currently open form, or by forms that have been granted cross-domain permissions.


If the IsSigned property is True, the form has been digitally signed. If False, the form has not been digitally signed.

InfoPath uses XML Signatures to digitally sign forms.

Note  If a form has been digitally signed, its underlying XML document is placed in a read-only state.


In the following example, the IsSigned property of the XDocument object is used to determine whether a form has been digitally signed:

if (XDocument.IsSigned)
   XDocument.UI.Alert("This form contains digital signatures.");