The Template summary information propery indicates the platform and language versions supported by the database.
The syntax of the Template Summary property information is: [platform property][,platform property][,...];[language id][,language id][,...]
For example, the following are all valid values for the Template Summary property:
- Intel;1033
- Intel64;1033
- ;1033
- ;
- Intel ;1033,2046
- Intel64;1033,2046
- Intel;0
If this is a 64-bit Windows Installer, enter Intel64 in the Template summary information property. Note that an installation package cannot have both the Intel and Intel64 properties set.
If the current platform does not match one of the platforms specified then the installer will not process the package. Not specifying a platform implies that the package is platform-independent.
Entering 0 in the language ID field of the Template summary information property, or leaving this field empty, indicates that the package is language neutral.
There are variations of this property depending on whether it is in a source installer database or a transform.
Source Installer Database - Only one language can be specified in a source installer database. Merge Modules are the only packages that may have multiple languages. For more information, see Multiple Language Merge Modules.
Transform - In a transform file, only one language may be specified. The specified platform and language determine whether a transform can be applied to a particular database. The platform property and the language property can be left blank if no transform restriction relies on them to validate the transform.
This summary property is REQUIRED.
Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty