Deployment Tools Foundation
ColumnDefinitionString Property
Deployment Tools Foundation Namespaces ► Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller ► ColumnInfo ► ColumnDefinitionString
Gets a short string defining the type and size of the column.

The definition string consists
of a single letter representing the data type followed by the width of the column (in characters
when applicable, bytes otherwise). A width of zero designates an unbounded width (for example,
long text fields and streams). An uppercase letter indicates that null values are allowed in
the column.

s? - String, variable length (?=1-255) s0 - String, variable length i2 - Short integer i4 - Long integer v0 - Binary Stream g? - Temporary string (?=0-255) j? - Temporary integer (?=0,1,2,4) l? - Localizable string, variable length (?=1-255) l0 - Localizable string, variable length