Item Property (field)

Microsoft Deployment Tools

Deployment Tools Foundation Item Property (field)
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstallerRecordItem[([(Int32])])
Gets or sets a record field value.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public Object this[
	int field
] { get; set; }
Public Default Property Item ( _
	field As Integer _
) As Object
property Object^ default[int field] {
	Object^ get (int field);
	void set (int field, Object^ value);
field (Int32)
Specifies the field of the Record to get or set.

Record fields are indexed starting with 1. Field 0 is a special format field.

When getting a field, the type of the object returned depends on the type of the Record field. The object will be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null. If the Record was returned from a View, the type will match that of the field from the View query. Otherwise, the type will match the type of the last value set for the field.

When setting a field, the type of the object provided will be converted to match the View query that returned the Record, or if Record was not returned from a View then the type of the object provided will determine the type of the Record field. The object should be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null.

The type-specific getters and setters are slightly more efficient than this property, since they don't have to do the extra work to infer the value's type every time.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiRecordGetInteger, MsiRecordGetString, MsiRecordSetInteger, MsiRecordSetString

Exception Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller) Version: (3.5.1623.0)