Unpack Method (destDirectory, progressHandler)

Microsoft Deployment Tools

Deployment Tools Foundation Unpack Method (destDirectory, progressHandler)
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.CompressionArchiveInfoUnpack(String, EventHandler<(Of <(ArchiveProgressEventArgs>)>))
Extracts all files from an archive to a destination directory, optionally extracting only newer files.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public void Unpack(
	string destDirectory,
	EventHandler<ArchiveProgressEventArgs> progressHandler
Public Sub Unpack ( _
	destDirectory As String, _
	progressHandler As EventHandler(Of ArchiveProgressEventArgs) _
void Unpack(
	String^ destDirectory, 
	EventHandler<ArchiveProgressEventArgs^>^ progressHandler
destDirectory (String)
Directory where the files are to be extracted.
progressHandler (EventHandler<(Of <(ArchiveProgressEventArgs>)>))
Handler for receiving progress information; this may be null if progress is not desired.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.Compression (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.Compression) Version: (3.5.1623.0)