Item Property (key)

Microsoft Deployment Tools

Deployment Tools Foundation Item Property (key)
Gets or sets an install path for a direcotry, component, or file key.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public InstallPath this[
	string key
] { get; set; }
Public Default Property Item ( _
	key As String _
) As InstallPath
virtual property InstallPath^ default[String^ key] {
	InstallPath^ get (String^ key) sealed;
	void set (String^ key, InstallPath^ value) sealed;
key (String)
Depending on the type of InstallPathMap, this is the primary key from the either the Directory, Component, or File table.
Changing an install path does not modify the Database used to generate this InstallPathMap.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package) Version: (3.5.1623.0)