NetUtility Members


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The NetUtility type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberBitsToHoldUInt
Returns how many bits are necessary to hold a certain number
Public methodStatic memberBytesToHoldBits
Returns how many bytes are required to hold a certain number of bits
Public methodStatic memberGetMacAddress
Returns the physical (MAC) address for the first usable network interface
Public methodStatic memberGetMyAddress
Gets my local IP address (not necessarily external) and subnet mask
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowSize
Gets the window size used internally in the library for a certain delivery method
Public methodStatic memberIsLocal(IPAddress)
Returns true if the IPAddress supplied is on the same subnet as this host
Public methodStatic memberIsLocal(IPEndPoint)
Returns true if the IPEndPoint supplied is on the same subnet as this host
Public methodStatic memberResolve(String)
Get IPv4 address from notation ( or hostname
Public methodStatic memberResolve(String, Int32)
Get IPv4 endpoint from notation ( or hostname and port number
Public methodStatic memberResolveAsync(String, NetUtility..::..ResolveAddressCallback)
Get IPv4 address from notation ( or hostname (asynchronous version)
Public methodStatic memberResolveAsync(String, Int32, NetUtility..::..ResolveEndPointCallback)
Get IPv4 endpoint from notation ( or hostname and port number (asynchronous version)
Public methodStatic memberToByteArray
Convert a hexadecimal string to a byte array
Public methodStatic memberToHexString(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Create a hex string from an array of bytes
Public methodStatic memberToHexString(Int64)
Create a hex string from an Int64 value
Public methodStatic memberToHumanReadable
Converts a number of bytes to a shorter, more readable string representation

See Also