NetBitWriter Methods


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The NetBitWriter type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberReadByte
Read 1-8 bits from a buffer into a byte
Public methodStatic memberReadBytes
Read several bytes from a buffer
Public methodStatic memberReadUInt16
Public methodStatic memberReadUInt32
Reads the specified number of bits into an UInt32
Public methodStatic memberReadVariableUInt32
Reads a UInt32 written using WriteUnsignedVarInt(); will increment offset!
Public methodStatic memberWriteByte
Write a byte consisting of 1-8 bits to a buffer; assumes buffer is previously allocated
Public methodStatic memberWriteBytes
Write several whole bytes
Public methodStatic memberWriteUInt16
Public methodStatic memberWriteUInt32
Writes the specified number of bits into a byte array
Public methodStatic memberWriteUInt64
Writes the specified number of bits into a byte array
Public methodStatic memberWriteVariableUInt32
Write Base128 encoded variable sized unsigned integer

See Also