NetPeerStatistics Properties


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The NetPeerStatistics type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBytesInRecyclePool
Gets the number of bytes in the recycled pool
Public propertyReceivedBytes
Gets the number of received bytes since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertyReceivedMessages
Gets the number of received messages since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertyReceivedPackets
Gets the number of received packets since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertySentBytes
Gets the number of sent bytes since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertySentMessages
Gets the number of sent messages since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertySentPackets
Gets the number of sent packets since the NetPeer was initialized
Public propertyStorageBytesAllocated
Gets the number of bytes allocated (and possibly garbage collected) for message storage

See Also