Write Method


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Public methodWrite(Boolean)
Writes a boolean value using 1 bit
Public methodWrite(Byte)
Write a byte
Public methodWrite(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Writes all bytes in an array
Public methodWrite(Double)
Writes a 64 bit floating point value
Public methodWrite(Int16)
Writes a signed 16 bit integer
Public methodWrite(Int32)
Writes a 32 bit signed integer
Public methodWrite(Int64)
Writes a 64 bit signed integer
Public methodWrite(IPEndPoint)
Writes an endpoint description
Public methodWrite(SByte)
Writes a signed byte
Public methodWrite(Single)
Writes a 32 bit floating point value
Public methodWrite(String)
Write a string
Public methodWrite(UInt16)
Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer
Public methodWrite(UInt32)
Writes a 32 bit unsigned integer
Public methodWrite(UInt64)
Writes a 64 bit unsigned integer
Public methodWrite(NetIncomingMessage)
Append all the bits of message to this message
Public methodWrite(NetOutgoingMessage)
Append all the bits of message to this message
Public methodWrite(Byte, Int32)
Writes 1 to 8 bits of a byte
Public methodWrite(Int32, Int32)
Writes a signed integer using 1 to 32 bits
Public methodWrite(Int64, Int32)
Writes a signed integer using 1 to 64 bits
Public methodWrite(UInt16, Int32)
Writes an unsigned integer using 1 to 16 bits
Public methodWrite(UInt32, Int32)
Writes a 32 bit signed integer
Public methodWrite(UInt64, Int32)
Writes an unsigned integer using 1 to 64 bits
Public methodWrite(array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32)
Writes the specified number of bytes from an array

See Also