Create Digital Signal Express VI

LabView Acquire Signals Express VIs

Create Digital Signal Express VI

Owning Palette: Create Signals Express VIs

Installed With: LabVIEW SignalExpress

Creates different types of digital signals. Depending on the option you select in the Signal type pull-down menu, this step can create a ramp, marching values, single value, random, or toggle pattern.

Dialog Box Options
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Dialog Box Options

Output SignalDisplays the signal the step creates.
ConfigurationContains the following options:
  • Signal type—Specifies the type of digital waveform to create. You can select from the following options:
    • Ramp—Creates a digital waveform that contains a binary count-up pattern that starts at zero and counts up by one until it reaches 2n–1, where n = Number of signals.
    • Marching Values—Creates a digital waveform in which a binary value placed on the first signal of the first sample is logically shifted to the next signal on each subsequent sample of the waveform. The Hold value field specifies the initial value, and the Marching value field specifies how the value shifts for subsequent samples.
    • Single Value—Creates a digital waveform in which all bits are set to 0, 1, Z, L, H, X, T, or V, depending on the Value you specify.
    • Random—Creates a digital waveform that contains a random digital pattern of 0s and 1s. The random pattern generated assumes no mathematically determinable sequence of values.
    • Toggle—Creates a digital waveform in which the even numbered samples contain binary values you define in the Toggle value 1 field and the odd numbered samples contain binary values you define in the Toggle value 2 field.
  • Hold value—Specifies the binary value of the generated digital waveform. This option is only available when you select the Marching Values option from the Signal type pull-down menu.
  • Marching value—Specifies the binary value that marches across the signals of the generated digital waveform. This option is only available when you select the Marching Values option from the Signal type pull-down menu.
  • Value—Specifies the digital bit state of the generated digital waveform. This option is available only when you select the Signal Value option from the Signal type pull-down menu.
  • Toggle value 1—Specifies the first digital bit state of the generated digital waveform. This option is available when you select the Toggle option from the Signal type pull-down menu.
  • Toggle value 2—Specifies the second digital bit state of the generated digital waveform. This option is available when you select the Toggle option from the Signal type pull-down menu.
  • Create one output per signal—Specifies whether to create an output group that contains a separate signal for each line in the digital waveform.
  • Number of signals—Specifies the number of signals to include in the generated digital waveform.
  • Block size (samples)—Specifies the number of samples in the signal. The default is 1000 samples.
  • Sample rate (S/s)—Specifies the sampling rate of the signal in samples per second. The default is 100 kS/s.
Execution ControlContains the following option:
  • Post-execution delay (ms)—Specifies the amount of time to wait after the step executes.
Signal NamesContains the following options:
  • Signal names table—Specifies custom names for the digital signals this step creates.
  • Reset to default—Resets any modified digital signal names to its default name.