Convert Digital to Analog Express VI

LabView Acquire Signals Express VIs

Convert Digital to Analog Express VI

Owning Palette: Processing Express VIs

Installed With: LabVIEW SignalExpress

Converts an input digital waveform into an analog waveform.

Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Inputs
Block Diagram Outputs
 Place on the block diagram  Find on the Functions palette

Dialog Box Options

Digital waveform previewDisplays the input digital waveform.
Digital preview Y scrollbarScrollbar that allows you to scroll through the Digital waveform preview.
Signal name previewDisplays the signal names associated with the signals in the Digital waveform preview.
Analog signal previewDisplays a preview of the analog waveform.
X scale sliderSelects the data displayed in the Digital waveform preview.
InputContains the following options:
  • Input signal—Specifies the digital waveform to convert to an analog waveform.
Configuration and ResultsContains the following options:
  • Analog full scale—The total peak-to-peak range, or the difference between the minimum and maximum, for the analog waveform. For example, if the maximum range of a waveform is 1 and the minimum is -1, the full-scale range for the waveform is 2.
  • Digital data format—Specifies which binary representation you want to use for the digital data.
    • Unsigned binary—The data is converted to unsigned binary.
    • Offset binary—The largest negative value (negative full-scale) is represented by all zeros, and the largest positive value (positive full-scale) is represented by all ones. Zero-scale is represented by a one (MSB) followed by all zeros, for example, binary 1000.
    • 2's complement—Uses two's complement format, which is a common format for representing signed binary values. This format is similar to Offset Binary, but the MSB is inverted.
  • Output signal unit—Specifies the unit type for the output signal. Selecting Unitless specifies to not associate any unit with the output signal. Selecting Custom specifies that the output signal contains an associated unit within the data.
  • Resolution (bits)—Returns the number of bits in the converted digital waveform.
  • Export resolution—Exports the resolution to the Project View.
  • Y axis unit—Specifies the unit type for the input signal. Selecting Unitless specifies to not associate any unit with the input signal. Selecting Custom specifies that the input signal contains an associated unit within the data.
  • X axis unit—Specifies the unit type for the input signal. Selecting Unitless specifies to not associate any unit with the input signal. Selecting Custom specifies that the input signal contains an associated unit within the data.

Block Diagram Inputs

error in (no error)Describes error conditions that occur before this VI or function runs.

Block Diagram Outputs

error outContains error information. If error in indicates that an error occurred before this VI or function ran, error out contains the same error information. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI or function produces. Right-click the error out front panel indicator and select Explain Error from the shortcut menu for more information about the error.