LAR Library: INI file parsing

LAR Library

INI file parsing

Data Structures

struct  iniElement_t
 Descriptor of elements allowed in an INI file. More...


typedef char *(* iniLineReader_t) (void *p, char *line, int maxline)
 Signature of function used by iniParseLines() to read next line from input file. More...


int iniParse (iniElement_t elements[], const char *fileName)
 Process the given INI file and calls handler functions according to the element table given. More...
int iniParseString (iniElement_t elements[], const char *contents)
 Process a previously INI file loaded in memory. More...
int iniParseLines (iniElement_t elements[], iniLineReader_t readLine, void *p)
 Process the lines of an INI file returned from repeated calls to readLine. More...

Detailed Description


INI files are a common and simple way to specify application parameters in a user-readable and editable manner. Even if the application does not use INI files internally to store configuration data, it can use it to read external user parameters and convert to an internal format.


Read/parsing of MS-like INI files.

Only a subset of INI file syntax is accepted:

  • Comments start with ';' and must be the first non-space char on a line. Also, comments must be on a line on their own;
  • Key names may include spaces in the middle;
  • Values may be literals (value) or strings ("value"), literals have spaces before and after trimmed, strings are "as-is";
  • Values are optional, they are considered NULL if not present;
  • Keys and Groups are not case-sensitive;
  • Groups are marked using [group name] and spaces inside the [] are important.

For example, the pair key name = key value will be parsed as "key name" is assigned the value of "key value", whereas key name = " key value " will have a value of " key value " (including the spaces, but not the quotes).


int err;
iniElement_t elements[] = {
{ "general", "name", handle_general_name, NULL }, // handle "name" key inside "[general]" section
{ NULL, "phone", handle_phone, NULL }, // handle "phone" key inside any section
{ "generic", NULL, handle_generic_all, NULL }, // handle all keys inside "[generic]" section
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // list terminator
err = iniParse(elements, "myfile.ini");
if (err == BASE_ERR_OK) // success
else // fail

This is a valid INI file that matches the description above:

; example of INI file
phone = "handled by handle_phone"
name = "handled by handle_general_name"
other = "handled by handle_generic_all"
phone = "also handled by handle_phone"
other = "this entry is ignored"
Remember that the scanning is done from top to bottom, so a very generic entry near the top (i.e. with both key and group as NULL) will be matched before any more specific entries below!

Typedef Documentation

typedef char*(* iniLineReader_t) (void *p, char *line, int maxline)

Signature of function used by iniParseLines() to read next line from input file.

User-defined functions must follow the signature and behavior defined here.

Each call to a iniLineReader_t should read the next line of input. The p parameter is the same that is given to iniParseLines() and should be used to identify the source of input.

pOpaque pointer passed as parameter to iniParseLines()
lineWhere to store the line read
maxlineMax number of chars to write to maxline
line on success, NULL on error.

Function Documentation

int iniParse ( iniElement_t  elements[],
const char *  fileName 

Process the given INI file and calls handler functions according to the element table given.

For each key = value pair found in the input file, the list elements is scanned sequentially until a match is found, and the associated handler() function is called. See iniElement_t for information on how matching is done, specially when iniElement_t::group and iniElement_t::key are NULL.

elementsList of allowed elements. An entry with handler = NULL must terminate the list.
fileNameName of INI file to parse.
BASE_ERR_OK if file was processed OK.
BASE_ERR_DATA_NOT_FOUND if the file fileName was not found.
The error code returned by one of the handler functions.
int iniParseLines ( iniElement_t  elements[],
iniLineReader_t  readLine,
void *  p 

Process the lines of an INI file returned from repeated calls to readLine.

This call behaves as iniParse(), but, instead of reading the input from a file, interprets whatever is returned by repeated calls to readLine.

See the documentation of iniLineReader_t for more information on how readLine should behave.

elementsList of allowed elements. An entry with handler = NULL must terminate the list.
readLineFunction called to read each line of input. Parsing terminates when readLine returns NULL.
pPassed as the first parameter to readLine. Not accessed in any other way.
BASE_ERR_OK if file was processed OK.
BASE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if elements or readLine are NULL
The error code returned by one of the handler functions.
int iniParseString ( iniElement_t  elements[],
const char *  contents 

Process a previously INI file loaded in memory.

This call behaves as iniParse(), but, instead of reading the input from a file, directly decodes contents, that should be a zero-terminated string with a valid INI file.

elementsList of allowed elements. An entry with handler = NULL must terminate the list.
contentsZero-terminated string with the contents of the INI file.
BASE_ERR_OK if file was processed OK.
BASE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if elements or contents are NULL
The error code returned by one of the handler functions.
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