Kabylake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide: FSP OUTPUT

Kabylake Intel Firmware

Kabylake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide

4 FSP Output

The FSP builds a series of data structures called the Hand-Off-Blocks (HOBs) as it progresses through initializing the silicon.

Please refer to the Platform Initialization (PI) Specification - Volume 3: Shared Architectural Elements specification for PI Architectural HOBs.Please refer Chapter 9 in the FSP External Architecture Specification version 2.0 for details about FSP Architectural HOBs.

Below section describe the HOBs not covered in the above two specifications.

4.1 SMRAM Resource Descriptor HOB

The FSP will report the system SMRAM T-SEG range through a generic resource HOB if T-SEG is enabled. The owner field of the HOB identifies the owner as T-SEG.

{ 0xd038747c, 0xd00c, 0x4980, { 0xb3, 0x19, 0x49, 0x01, 0x99, 0xa4, 0x7d, 0x55 } }


The FSP will report the SMBIOS through a HOB with below GUID. This information can be consumed by the bootloader to produce the SMBIOS tables. These structures are included as part of MemInfoHob.h , SmbiosCacheInfoHob.h & SmbiosProcessorInfoHob.h. Note: The Smbios Cache Info Hob & Smbios Processor Info Hob won't be published on S3 boot.

{ 0x9b2071d4, 0xb054, 0x4e0c, { 0x8d, 0x09, 0x11, 0xcf, 0x8b, 0x9f, 0x03, 0x23 } };
typedef struct {
MrcDimmStatus Status; ///< See MrcDimmStatus for the definition of this field.
UINT8 DimmId;
UINT32 DimmCapacity; ///< DIMM size in MBytes.
UINT16 MfgId;
UINT8 ModulePartNum[20]; ///< Module part number for DDR3 is 18 bytes however for DRR4 20 bytes as per JEDEC Spec, so reserving 20 bytes
UINT8 RankInDimm; ///< The number of ranks in this DIMM.
UINT8 SpdDramDeviceType; ///< Save SPD DramDeviceType information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
UINT8 SpdModuleType; ///< Save SPD ModuleType information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
UINT8 SpdModuleMemoryBusWidth; ///< Save SPD ModuleMemoryBusWidth information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
UINT8 SpdSave[MAX_SPD_SAVE_DATA]; ///< Save SPD Manufacturing information needed for SMBIOS structure creation.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Status; ///< Indicates whether this channel should be used.
UINT8 ChannelId;
UINT8 DimmCount; ///< Number of valid DIMMs that exist in the channel.
MRC_CH_TIMING Timing[MAX_PROFILE]; ///< The channel timing values.
DIMM_INFO Dimm[MAX_DIMM]; ///< Save the DIMM output characteristics.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Status; ///< Indicates whether this controller should be used.
UINT16 DeviceId; ///< The PCI device id of this memory controller.
UINT8 RevisionId; ///< The PCI revision id of this memory controller.
UINT8 ChannelCount; ///< Number of valid channels that exist on the controller.
CHANNEL_INFO Channel[MAX_CH]; ///< The following are channel level definitions.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Revision;
UINT16 DataWidth;
/// As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec
/// Section 7.18.2 and Table 75
UINT8 DdrType; ///< DDR type: DDR3, DDR4, or LPDDR3
UINT32 Frequency; ///< The system's common memory controller frequency in MT/s.
/// As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec
/// Section 7.17.3 and Table 72
UINT8 ErrorCorrectionType;
SiMrcVersion Version;
UINT32 FreqMax;
BOOLEAN EccSupport;
UINT8 MemoryProfile;
UINT32 TotalPhysicalMemorySize;
BOOLEAN XmpProfileEnable;
UINT8 Ratio;
UINT8 RefClk;
{ 0x6210d62f, 0x418d, 0x4999, { 0xa2, 0x45, 0x22, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x5d, 0xea, 0x44 } }
typedef struct {
UINT8 Revision;
UINT8 Reserved[3];
UINT32 BootMode;
UINT32 TsegSize;
UINT32 TsegBase;
UINT32 PrmrrSize;
UINT32 PrmrrBase;
UINT32 GttBase;
UINT32 MmioSize;
UINT32 PciEBaseAddress;
typedef struct {
UINT8 *Buffer;
{ 0xd805b74e, 0x1460, 0x4755, {0xbb, 0x36, 0x1e, 0x8c, 0x8a, 0xd6, 0x78, 0xd7} }
/// SMBIOS Cache Info HOB Structure
typedef struct {
UINT16 ProcessorSocketNumber;
UINT16 NumberOfCacheLevels; ///< Based on Number of Cache Types L1/L2/L3
UINT8 SocketDesignationStrIndex; ///< String Index in the string Buffer. Example "L1-CACHE"
UINT16 CacheConfiguration; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section7.8 Table36
UINT16 MaxCacheSize; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section7.8.1
UINT16 InstalledSize; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section7.8.1
UINT16 SupportedSramType; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section7.8.2
UINT16 CurrentSramType; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section7.8.2
UINT8 CacheSpeed; ///< Cache Speed in nanoseconds. 0 if speed is unknown.
UINT8 ErrorCorrectionType; ///< ENUM Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.8.3
UINT8 SystemCacheType; ///< ENUM Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.8.4
UINT8 Associativity; ///< ENUM Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.8.5
///String Buffer - each string terminated by NULL "0x00"
///String buffer terminated by double NULL "0x0000"
{ 0xe6d73d92, 0xff56, 0x4146, {0xaf, 0xac, 0x1c, 0x18, 0x81, 0x7d, 0x68, 0x71} }
/// SMBIOS Processor Info HOB Structure
typedef struct {
UINT16 TotalNumberOfSockets;
UINT16 CurrentSocketNumber;
UINT8 ProcessorType; ///< ENUM defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.1
///This info is used for both ProcessorFamily and ProcessorFamily2 fields
///See ENUM defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.2
UINT16 ProcessorFamily;
UINT8 ProcessorManufacturerStrIndex; ///< Index of the String in the String Buffer
UINT64 ProcessorId; ///< ENUM defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.3
UINT8 ProcessorVersionStrIndex; ///< Index of the String in the String Buffer
UINT8 Voltage; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.4
UINT16 ExternalClockInMHz; ///< External Clock Frequency. Set to 0 if unknown.
UINT16 CurrentSpeedInMHz; ///< Snapshot of current processor speed during boot
UINT8 Status; ///< Format defined in the SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Table 21
UINT8 ProcessorUpgrade; ///< ENUM defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.5
///This info is used for both CoreCount & CoreCount2 fields
/// See detailed description in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.6
UINT16 CoreCount;
///This info is used for both CoreEnabled & CoreEnabled2 fields
///See detailed description in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.7
UINT16 EnabledCoreCount;
///This info is used for both ThreadCount & ThreadCount2 fields
/// See detailed description in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.8
UINT16 ThreadCount;
UINT16 ProcessorCharacteristics; ///< Format defined in SMBIOS Spec v3.0 Section 7.5.9
/// String Buffer - each string terminated by NULL "0x00"
/// String buffer terminated by double NULL "0x0000"


The FSP will report the ChipsetInit CRC through a HOB with below GUID. This information can be consumed by the bootloader to check if ChipsetInit CRC is matched between BIOS and ME. These structures are included as part of FspsUpd.h

{ 0xc1392859, 0x1f65, 0x446e, { 0xb3, 0xf5, 0x84, 0x35, 0xfc, 0xc7, 0xd1, 0xc4 }}
/// The ChipsetInit Info structure provides the information of ME ChipsetInit CRC and BIOS ChipsetInit CRC.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Revision;
UINT8 Rsvd[3];
UINT16 MeChipInitCrc;
UINT16 BiosChipInitCrc;

4.4 CPU S3 Resume Data HOB

The FSP will report the CPU S3 Resume Data through a GUIDED HOB with below GUID. This data (not the entire HOB) must be passed during S3 resume passed in UPD CpuS3ResumeData except if UPD SkipMpInit is enabled.

{ 0x3972d4c1, 0xf206, 0x463f, { 0x80, 0xa4, 0xd9, 0x62, 0x79, 0x0a, 0xe5, 0x49 }}
Generated on Thu Jun 28 2018 21:44:49 for Kabylake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide by   doxygen 1.8.10