Adobe InDesign CS5 Server (7.0) Object Model JS: TextPathEffects

InDesign Server CS5

 Options for the alignment and appearance of type on a path.


TextPathEffects.GRAVITY_PATH_EFFECTThe center of each characterís baseline is on the path while each vertical edge is in line with the pathís center point.1601201767 = '_pfg'
TextPathEffects.RAINBOW_PATH_EFFECTThe center of each character's baseline is parallel to the path's tangent. This is the default effect.1601201778 = '_pfr'
TextPathEffects.RIBBON_PATH_EFFECTThe text characters' horizontal edges are perfectly horizontal regardless of the path shape.1601201715 = '_pf3'
TextPathEffects.SKEW_PATH_EFFECTThe text characters' vertical edges are perfectly vertical regardless of the path shape.1601201779 = '_pfs'
TextPathEffects.STAIR_STEP_PATH_EFFECTThe left edge of each character's baseline is on the path and no characters are rotated.1601205107 = '_pss'


As property


Jongware, 23-Mar-2011 v3.0.3dContents :: Index