Adobe InDesign CS5 Server (7.0) Object Model JS: BindingOptions

InDesign Server CS5

 The location of the binding spine in a spread.


BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUEUses the default binding side.1147563124 = 'Dflt'
BindingOptions.LEFT_ALIGNMoves the page to the left side of the spread's binding spine.1818584692 = 'left'
BindingOptions.RIGHT_ALIGNMoves the page to the right side of the spread's binding spine.1919379572 = 'rght'


In function

Page Page.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: varies][, binding: BindingOptions=BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE])

Jongware, 23-Mar-2011 v3.0.3dContents :: Index