Adobe InDesign CS5 Server (7.0) Object Model JS: PDFCrop

InDesign Server CS5

 The amount of the PDF document to place.


PDFCrop.CROP_ARTPlaces only the area defined by the PDF author as placeable artwork.1131573313 = 'CrpA'
PDFCrop.CROP_BLEEDPlaces only the area that represents clipped content.1131573314 = 'CrpB'
PDFCrop.CROP_CONTENT_ALL_LAYERSPlaces the page's bounding box using all layers.1131561324 = 'CrAl'
PDFCrop.CROP_CONTENT_VISIBLE_LAYERSPlaces the page's bounding box using visible layers only.1131566703 = 'CrVo'
PDFCrop.CROP_MEDIAPlaces the area that represents the physical paper size of the original PDF document.1131573325 = 'CrpM'
PDFCrop.CROP_PDFPlaces only the area displayed by Acrobat.1131573328 = 'CrpP'
PDFCrop.CROP_TRIMPlaces only the area that represents the final trim size of the document.1131573332 = 'CrpT'


As property



Jongware, 23-Mar-2011 v3.0.3dContents :: Index