
IUP - Portable User Interface


Creates an interface element that is a canvas - a working area for your application.


Ihandle* IupCanvas(char *action); [in C]
iup.canvas{} -> (elem: ihandle) [in Lua]
canvas(action) [in LED]

action: Name of the action generated when the canvas needs to be redrawn.

This function returns the identifier of the created canvas, or NULL if an error occurs.


BGCOLOR: Background color. In Windows the background is painted only if the ACTION callback is not defined. If the callback is defined the application must draw all the canvas contents. For better results also let the attribute CLIPCHILDREN=YES in the dialog.

CURSOR: Canvas cursor.

SIZE: Size of the canvas. Default: size of one character.

SCROLLBAR: Associates a horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar to the canvas.

DX: Size of the thumb in the horizontal scrollbar.

DY: Size of the thumb in the vertical scrollbar.

POSX: Position of the thumb in the horizontal scrollbar.

POSY: Position of the thumb in the vertical scrollbar.

XMAX: Maximum value of the horizontal scrollbar.

XMIN: Minimum value of the horizontal scrollbar.

YMIN: Minimum value of the vertical scrollbar.

YMAX: Maximum value of the vertical scrollbar.

BORDER: (Windows Only) Shows a border around the canvas. It can only be changed before the element is mapped. Default: "YES".

EXPAND: The default value is "YES".

DRAWSIZE: The size of the drawing area in pixels. In Motif this is identical to RASTERSIZE. In Windows it is obtained from the canvas client area since it may contains a border.

BACKINGSTORE: (Motif Only). Controls the canvas backing store flag. The default value is "YES".

MDICLIENT: (Windows Only). Configure this canvas as an MDI client window. No callbacks will be called. This canvas will be used internally only. The default value is "NO".

HDC_WMPAINT: (Windows Only). Contains the HDC created with the BeginPaint inside the WM_PAINT message. Valid only during the ACTION callback.


ACTION: Action generated when the canvas needs to be redrawn. Also receives as parameters the scrollbar position:

int function(Ihandle *self, float x, float y); [in C]
elem:action(x, y: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

x: Thumb position in the horizontal scrollbar.
y: Thumb position in the vertical scrollbar.

This action is also generated right after the dialog is viewed by means of functions IupShow, IupShowXY or IupPopup.

BUTTON_CB: Action generated when any mouse button is pressed or released.

DROPFILES_CB: [Windows Only] Action generated when one or more files are dropped from the Windows Explorer in the canvas.

ENTERWINDOW_CB: Action generated when the mouse enters the canvas.

LEAVEWINDOW_CB: Action generated when the mouse leaves the canvas.

MOTION_CB: Action generated when the mouse is moved.

KEYPRESS_CB: Action generated when a key is pressed or released. It is called after the common callback K_ANY.

RESIZE_CB: Action generated when the canvas' size is changed.

SCROLL_CB: Called when the scrollbar is manipulated.

MAP_CB: Called right after the element is mapped.

WOM_CB: [Windows Only] Action generated when an audio device receives an event.

WHEEL_CB: Action generated when the mouse wheel is rotated.

FOCUS_CB: Called when the canvas gets or looses the focus. It is called after the common callbacks GETFOCUS_CB and KILL_FOCUS_CB.

int function(Ihandle *n, int focus); [in C]
elem:focus_cb(focus: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

focus: is non zero if the canvas is getting the focus, is zero if it is loosing the focus.


Note that some keys might remove the focus from the canvas. To avoid this, return IGNORE in the K_ANY callback.

The mouse cursor position can be programatically controled using the global attribute CURSORPOS.
