View Filter Registry Data



View Filter Registry Data

When you add filters, GraphEdit uses the system device enumerator to enumerate all of the filters registered on your system. They appear in a tree view, listed by category (see Add Filters).

To view the registry data for a particular filter, click the plus (+) symbol next to the name of the filter.

Viewing Registry Data

The following information is displayed:

Filter Information:

DisplayNameThe display name provided by the device moniker, as returned by the IMoniker::GetDisplayName method.
MeritThe filter's merit value.
VersionThe version of the registration format used to register this filter.

For more information, see REGFILTER2 in the Microsoft® DirectShow® documentation.

Pin Information:

bManyIf 1, the filter might have multiple instances of this pin.
bOutputIf 1, this pin is an output pin.
bRenderedIf 1, the filter renders the data from this pin. (Applies only to input pins.)
bZeroIf 1, the filter might have zero instances of this pin.
ClsPinCategoryThe pin category, taken from the pin property set.

For more information, see REGFILTERPINS and REGFILTERPINS2 in the DirectShow documentation.

Media Type Information:

major typeThe major type GUID.
subtypeThe subtype GUID.

For more information, see AM_MEDIA_TYPE in the DirectShow documentation.

Medium Information:

medium clsidThe GUID that specifies the medium set.
Data 1The ID number of the medium.
Data 2Not used.

For more information, see REGPINMEDIUM in the DirectShow documentation, or KSPIN_MEDIUM in the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 DDK.