src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go - The Go Programming Language


Source file src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go

     1	// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2	// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3	// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5	package gob
     7	import (
     8		"bufio"
     9		"bytes"
    10		"errors"
    11		"io"
    12		"reflect"
    13		"sync"
    14	)
    16	// A Decoder manages the receipt of type and data information read from the
    17	// remote side of a connection.
    18	type Decoder struct {
    19		mutex        sync.Mutex                              // each item must be received atomically
    20		r            io.Reader                               // source of the data
    21		buf          bytes.Buffer                            // buffer for more efficient i/o from r
    22		wireType     map[typeId]*wireType                    // map from remote ID to local description
    23		decoderCache map[reflect.Type]map[typeId]**decEngine // cache of compiled engines
    24		ignorerCache map[typeId]**decEngine                  // ditto for ignored objects
    25		freeList     *decoderState                           // list of free decoderStates; avoids reallocation
    26		countBuf     []byte                                  // used for decoding integers while parsing messages
    27		tmp          []byte                                  // temporary storage for i/o; saves reallocating
    28		err          error
    29	}
    31	// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from the io.Reader.
    32	// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader, it will be wrapped in a
    33	// bufio.Reader.
    34	func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
    35		dec := new(Decoder)
    36		// We use the ability to read bytes as a plausible surrogate for buffering.
    37		if _, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); !ok {
    38			r = bufio.NewReader(r)
    39		}
    40		dec.r = r
    41		dec.wireType = make(map[typeId]*wireType)
    42		dec.decoderCache = make(map[reflect.Type]map[typeId]**decEngine)
    43		dec.ignorerCache = make(map[typeId]**decEngine)
    44		dec.countBuf = make([]byte, 9) // counts may be uint64s (unlikely!), require 9 bytes
    46		return dec
    47	}
    49	// recvType loads the definition of a type.
    50	func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id typeId) {
    51		// Have we already seen this type?  That's an error
    52		if id < firstUserId || dec.wireType[id] != nil {
    53			dec.err = errors.New("gob: duplicate type received")
    54			return
    55		}
    57		// Type:
    58		wire := new(wireType)
    59		dec.decodeValue(tWireType, reflect.ValueOf(wire))
    60		if dec.err != nil {
    61			return
    62		}
    63		// Remember we've seen this type.
    64		dec.wireType[id] = wire
    65	}
    67	var errBadCount = errors.New("invalid message length")
    69	// recvMessage reads the next count-delimited item from the input. It is the converse
    70	// of Encoder.writeMessage. It returns false on EOF or other error reading the message.
    71	func (dec *Decoder) recvMessage() bool {
    72		// Read a count.
    73		nbytes, _, err := decodeUintReader(dec.r, dec.countBuf)
    74		if err != nil {
    75			dec.err = err
    76			return false
    77		}
    78		// Upper limit of 1GB, allowing room to grow a little without overflow.
    79		// TODO: We might want more control over this limit.
    80		if nbytes >= 1<<30 {
    81			dec.err = errBadCount
    82			return false
    83		}
    84		dec.readMessage(int(nbytes))
    85		return dec.err == nil
    86	}
    88	// readMessage reads the next nbytes bytes from the input.
    89	func (dec *Decoder) readMessage(nbytes int) {
    90		// Allocate the buffer.
    91		if cap(dec.tmp) < nbytes {
    92			dec.tmp = make([]byte, nbytes+100) // room to grow
    93		}
    94		dec.tmp = dec.tmp[:nbytes]
    96		// Read the data
    97		_, dec.err = io.ReadFull(dec.r, dec.tmp)
    98		if dec.err != nil {
    99			if dec.err == io.EOF {
   100				dec.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   101			}
   102			return
   103		}
   104		dec.buf.Write(dec.tmp)
   105	}
   107	// toInt turns an encoded uint64 into an int, according to the marshaling rules.
   108	func toInt(x uint64) int64 {
   109		i := int64(x >> 1)
   110		if x&1 != 0 {
   111			i = ^i
   112		}
   113		return i
   114	}
   116	func (dec *Decoder) nextInt() int64 {
   117		n, _, err := decodeUintReader(&dec.buf, dec.countBuf)
   118		if err != nil {
   119			dec.err = err
   120		}
   121		return toInt(n)
   122	}
   124	func (dec *Decoder) nextUint() uint64 {
   125		n, _, err := decodeUintReader(&dec.buf, dec.countBuf)
   126		if err != nil {
   127			dec.err = err
   128		}
   129		return n
   130	}
   132	// decodeTypeSequence parses:
   133	// TypeSequence
   134	//	(TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
   135	// and returns the type id of the next value.  It returns -1 at
   136	// EOF.  Upon return, the remainder of dec.buf is the value to be
   137	// decoded.  If this is an interface value, it can be ignored by
   138	// resetting that buffer.
   139	func (dec *Decoder) decodeTypeSequence(isInterface bool) typeId {
   140		for dec.err == nil {
   141			if dec.buf.Len() == 0 {
   142				if !dec.recvMessage() {
   143					break
   144				}
   145			}
   146			// Receive a type id.
   147			id := typeId(dec.nextInt())
   148			if id >= 0 {
   149				// Value follows.
   150				return id
   151			}
   152			// Type definition for (-id) follows.
   153			dec.recvType(-id)
   154			// When decoding an interface, after a type there may be a
   155			// DelimitedValue still in the buffer.  Skip its count.
   156			// (Alternatively, the buffer is empty and the byte count
   157			// will be absorbed by recvMessage.)
   158			if dec.buf.Len() > 0 {
   159				if !isInterface {
   160					dec.err = errors.New("extra data in buffer")
   161					break
   162				}
   163				dec.nextUint()
   164			}
   165		}
   166		return -1
   167	}
   169	// Decode reads the next value from the connection and stores
   170	// it in the data represented by the empty interface value.
   171	// If e is nil, the value will be discarded. Otherwise,
   172	// the value underlying e must be a pointer to the
   173	// correct type for the next data item received.
   174	func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) error {
   175		if e == nil {
   176			return dec.DecodeValue(reflect.Value{})
   177		}
   178		value := reflect.ValueOf(e)
   179		// If e represents a value as opposed to a pointer, the answer won't
   180		// get back to the caller.  Make sure it's a pointer.
   181		if value.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
   182			dec.err = errors.New("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
   183			return dec.err
   184		}
   185		return dec.DecodeValue(value)
   186	}
   188	// DecodeValue reads the next value from the connection.
   189	// If v is the zero reflect.Value (v.Kind() == Invalid), DecodeValue discards the value.
   190	// Otherwise, it stores the value into v.  In that case, v must represent
   191	// a non-nil pointer to data or be an assignable reflect.Value (v.CanSet())
   192	func (dec *Decoder) DecodeValue(v reflect.Value) error {
   193		if v.IsValid() {
   194			if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
   195				// That's okay, we'll store through the pointer.
   196			} else if !v.CanSet() {
   197				return errors.New("gob: DecodeValue of unassignable value")
   198			}
   199		}
   200		// Make sure we're single-threaded through here.
   201		dec.mutex.Lock()
   202		defer dec.mutex.Unlock()
   204		dec.buf.Reset() // In case data lingers from previous invocation.
   205		dec.err = nil
   206		id := dec.decodeTypeSequence(false)
   207		if dec.err == nil {
   208			dec.decodeValue(id, v)
   209		}
   210		return dec.err
   211	}
   213	// If debug.go is compiled into the program , debugFunc prints a human-readable
   214	// representation of the gob data read from r by calling that file's Debug function.
   215	// Otherwise it is nil.
   216	var debugFunc func(io.Reader)