html - The Go Programming Language


Package html

import "html"

Overview ?

Overview ?

Package html provides functions for escaping and unescaping HTML text.


func EscapeString(s string) string
func UnescapeString(s string) string

Package files

entity.go escape.go

func EscapeString

func EscapeString(s string) string

EscapeString escapes special characters like "<" to become "&lt;". It escapes only five such characters: <, >, &, ' and ". UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't always true.

func UnescapeString

func UnescapeString(s string) string

UnescapeString unescapes entities like "&lt;" to become "<". It unescapes a larger range of entities than EscapeString escapes. For example, "&aacute;" unescapes to "", as does "&#225;" and "&xE1;". UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't always true.


Name      Synopsis
template      Package template (html/template) implements data-driven templates for generating HTML output safe against code injection.