This property is null (Nothing in VB) until a Save() method on the containing ZipFile instance has been called. The property is non-null (HasValue is true) only after a Save() method has been called.
After the containing ZipFile has been saved, the Value of this property is true if any of the following three conditions holds: the uncompressed size of the entry is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF; the compressed size of the entry is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF; the relative offset of the entry within the zip archive is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF. These quantities are not known until a Save() is attempted on the zip archive and the compression is applied.
If none of the three conditions holds, then the Value is false.
A Value of false does not indicate that the entry, as saved in the zip archive, does not use ZIP64. It merely indicates that ZIP64 is not required. An entry may use ZIP64 even when not required if the UseZip64WhenSaving property on the containing ZipFile instance is set to Always, or if the UseZip64WhenSaving property on the containing ZipFile instance is set to AsNecessary and the output stream was not seekable.