
DotNetZip - VB.NET Examples

Here are a bunch of examples in VB.NET showing how to use the library.

There are also a few complete, working example applications shipped in the source code distribution.

Add items to a zip file:

CopyCreate a Zip
 2    Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile
 3        zip.AddFile("c:\photos\personal\7440-N49th.png", "")
 4        zip.AddFile("c:\Desktop\2005_Annual_Report.pdf", "")
 5        zip.AddFile("ReadMe.txt")
 6        zip.Save("MyZipFile.zip")
 7    End Using
 8Catch ex1 As Exception
 9    Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1.ToString)
10End Try

Extract items from a zip file:

CopyExtract entries from a Zip
 2    Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileToExtract)
 3       Dim e As ZipEntry
 4       For Each e In zip
 5           e.Extract
 6       Next
 7    End Using
 8Catch ex1 As Exception
 9    Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1.ToString)
10End Try

Extract all entries, and set the StatusMessageTextWriter so that verbose messages are generated:

CopyExtractAll, and use the status TextWriter
1Using zip As  ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(FilePath)
2  zip.StatusMessageTextWriter= System.Console.Out
3  'Status Messages will be sent to the console during extraction
4  zip.ExtractAll()
5End Using

Add a few files to a zip file, specifying different passwords for different items:

CopyCreate a Zip, entries get passwords
 2  Using zip As New ZipFile
 3    'the first entry is not protected by a password
 4    zip.AddFile("c:\datafiles\ReadMe.txt", "")
 5    zip.Password = "123456!"
 6    zip.AddFile("c:\photos\personal\7440-N49th.png", "images")
 7    zip.Password= "!Secret1";
 8    zip.AddFile("c:\Desktop\2005_Annual_Report.pdf", "files\documents")
 9    zip.Save("Secret.zip")
10  End Using
11Catch ex1 As System.Exception
12  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1)
13End Try

Add a few files to a zip file, using WinZip-compatible AES encryption on the entries:

CopyCreate a Zip, using AES encryption for the entries
 2  Using zip As New ZipFile
 3    zip.Password = "The.Silvertones.Box.Set!"
 4    zip.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256
 5    zip.AddFile("c:\datafiles\RawData-2008-12-20.csv", "")
 6    zip.AddFile("c:\photos\personal\7440-N49th.png", "images")
 7    zip.AddFile("c:\Desktop\2005_Annual_Report.pdf", "files\documents")
 8    zip.Save("AES-Encrypted-Secret.zip")
 9  End Using
10Catch ex1 As System.Exception
11  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1)
12End Try

Extract entries using a password:

CopyExtract entries using a password
 1Using zip As new ZipFile(FilePath)
 2    Dim e As ZipEntry
 3    For Each e In zip
 4        If (e.UsesEncryption)
 5          e.ExtractWithPassword("Secret!")
 6        Else
 7          e.Extract
 8        End If
 9    Next
10End Using

This example creates a zip using ZIP64 extensions. ZIP64 allows you to exceed 4gb in a zip, or 65535 entries in a zip.

CopyCreate a Zip that uses ZIP64 extensions
 2    Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile
 3        zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Zip64Option.AsNecessary
 4        zip.AddFile("c:\datafiles\RawData-2009-02-12.csv", "")
 5        zip.AddFile("ReadMe.txt")
 6        zip.Save(String.Format("backup-{0}.zip", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMMdd")))
 7    End Using
 8Catch ex1 As Exception
 9    Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1.ToString)
10End Try

Create a zip file, add a file, and also add an entry from a string. When the zip is unzipped, the content from the string will be inserted into the file "Readme.txt".

CopyCreate 3
1Dim Content As String = "This string will be the content of the Readme.txt file in the zip archive."
2Using zip1 As ZipFile = New ZipFile
3    zip1.AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the readme content...")
4    zip1.AddFile("MyDocuments\Resume.doc", "files")
5    zip1.Comment = ("This zip file was created at " & DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))
6    zip1.Save("Content.zip")
7End Using

Create a zip file, and add an entry taking content from a stream, like a MemoryStream or a FileStream.

CopyCreate 4
1Dim Content As String = "This string will be the content of the Readme.txt file in the zip archive."
2Using zip1 As ZipFile = New ZipFile
3    zip1.AddEntry("Readme.txt", stream)
4    zip1.AddFile("MyDocuments\Resume.doc", "files")
5    zip1.Comment = ("This zip file was created at " & DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))
6    zip1.Save("Content.zip")
7End Using

Read in a zip file, remove a few entries, save the file:

CopyModify a Zip
 1Dim sw As New System.IO.StringWriter
 2Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read("PackedDocuments.zip", sw)
 3    Dim Threshold As New DateTime(2007, 7, 4)
 4    ' We cannot remove the entry from the list, within the context of
 5    ' an enumeration of said list.
 6    ' So we add the doomed entry to a list to be removed later.
 7    ' pass 1: mark the entries for removal
 8    Dim MarkedEntries As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of ZipEntry)
 9    Dim e As ZipEntry
10    For Each e In zip
11        If (e.LastModified < Threshold) Then
12            MarkedEntries.Add(e)
13        End If
14    Next
15    ' pass 2: actually remove the entry.
16    Dim zombie As ZipEntry
17    For Each zombie In MarkedEntries
18        zip.RemoveEntry(zombie)
19    Next
20    zip.Comment = "This archive has been updated."
21    zip.Save
22End Using

Add a bunch of items, whether files or directories:

CopyCreate a Zip, adding items
 1Dim itempaths As String() = _
 2  New String() { "c:\temp\Readme.txt", _
 3                 "MyProposal.docx", _
 4                 "SupportingFiles", _
 5                 "images\Image1.jpg" }
 7    Using zip As New ZipFile(ZipToCreate, Console.Out)
 8        Dim i As Integer
 9        For i = 1 To itempaths.Length - 1
10            ' will add Files or Dirs, recursing and flattening subdirectories.
11            zip.AddItem(itempaths(i), "flat")
12        Next i
13        zip.Save
14    End Using
15Catch ex1 As Exception
16    Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1.ToString())
17End Try

Create a self-extracting archive:

CopyCreate a self-extractor
1Dim DirectoryPath As String = "c:\Documents\Project7"
2Using zip As New ZipFile()
3    zip.AddDirectory(DirectoryPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DirectoryPath))
4    zip.Comment = "This will be embedded into a self-extracting console-based exe"
5    zip.SaveSelfExtractor("archive.exe", SelfExtractorFlavor.ConsoleApplication)
6End Using

Update some entries in a Zip file:

CopyUpdate some entries in a Zip
 1Using zip1 As New ZipFile
 2    ' the UpdateFile method works even if the entry does not yet exist.
 3    ' Really it should be called "AddOrUpdateFile"
 4    zip1.UpdateFile("MyDocuments\Readme.txt", "")
 5    zip1.UpdateFile("CustomerList.csv", "")
 6    zip1.Comment = "This zip archive has been created."
 7    zip1.Save("Content.zip")
 8End Using
10Using zip2 As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read("Content.zip")
11    zip2.UpdateFile("Updates\Readme.txt", "")
12    zip2.Comment = "This zip archive has been updated: the Readme has been changed."
13    zip2.Save
14End Using

Produce a zip file that contains embedded zip files.

CopyZip containing a Zip
 1Public Sub Run()
 2    Using s1 As Stream = ZipIntoMemory("c:\temp\dir1")
 3        Using s2 As Stream = ZipIntoMemory("c:\temp\dir2")
 4            Using zip1 as New ZipFile
 5                zip1.AddEntry("test1.zip", s1)
 6                zip1.AddEntry("test2.zip", s2)
 7                ' save to a file.  Could also save to a stream here
 8                zip1.Save("Tescher.zip")
 9            End Using
10        End Using
11    End Using
12End Sub
14Public Function ZipIntoMemory(ByVal path As String) As Stream
15    Dim ms As New MemoryStream
16    Using zip1 as New ZipFile
17        zip1.AddDirectory(path, "Result")
18        zip1.Save(ms)
19    End Using
20    ' move the stream position to the beginning
21    ms.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Begin)
22    Return ms
23End Function