RemoveSelectedEntries Method (selectionCriteria)


Ionic Zip Library v1.9.1.6 RemoveSelectedEntries Method (selectionCriteria)
Remove entries from the zipfile by specified criteria.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public int RemoveSelectedEntries(
	string selectionCriteria
Public Function RemoveSelectedEntries ( _
	selectionCriteria As String _
) As Integer
int RemoveSelectedEntries(
	String^ selectionCriteria
selectionCriteria (String)
the string that specifies which entries to select
Return Value
the number of entries removed

This method allows callers to remove the collection of entries from the zipfile that fit the specified criteria. The criteria are described in a string format, and can include patterns for the filename; constraints on the size of the entry; constraints on the last modified, created, or last accessed time for the file described by the entry; or the attributes of the entry.

For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see AddSelectedFiles(String).

This method is intended for use with a ZipFile that has been read from storage. When creating a new ZipFile, this method will work only after the ZipArchive has been Saved to the disk (the ZipFile class subsequently and implicitly reads the Zip archive from storage.) Calling SelectEntries on a ZipFile that has not yet been saved will deliver undefined results.

This example removes all entries in a zip file that were modified prior to January 1st, 2008.
using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
    // remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
    zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01");
    // don't forget to save the archive!
Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName)
    ' remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
    zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01")
    ' do not forget to save the archive!
End Using
Exception Condition
Exception Thrown if selectionCriteria has an invalid syntax.

Assembly: Ionic.Zip (Module: Ionic.Zip) Version: (