
You can use DotNetZip from C++/CLI

A program written in C++/CLI can take advantage of any managed library. It"s easy to use DotNetZip from a C++/CLI application. This page will show some examples.

Using C++/CLI, the key difference from VB and C#, is that there is no using statement in C++. C++ applications need to surround the use of the ZipFile class with a try..catch.. and call the ZipFile destructor, or call delete, in the finally clause.

Create a zip file

This example just creates a simple zipfile. It uses the destructor.

CopyCreate a Zip archive - destructor
 1using namespace System;
 2using namespace Ionic::Zip;
 4int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
 6    Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
 8    ZipFile ^ zip;
 9    try
10    {
11        zip = gcnew ZipFile();
12        zip->AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the content for the Readme.txt entry.");
13        zip-&gtAddFile("CreateZipFile.cpp");
14        zip->Save("test.zip");
15    }
16    finally
17    {
18        zip->~ZipFile();
19    }
21    Console::WriteLine(L"Press <ENTER> to quit.");
22    Console::ReadLine();
23    return 0;

This alternative uses the C++ deleee syntax:

CopyCreate a Zip archive - delete
 1using namespace System;
 2using namespace Ionic::Zip;
 4int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
 6    Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
 8    ZipFile ^ zip;
 9    try
10    {
11        zip = gcnew ZipFile();
12        zip->AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the content for the Readme.txt entry.");
13        zip-&gtAddFile("CreateZipFile.cpp");
14        zip->Save("test.zip");
15    }
16    finally
17    {
18        delete zip;
19    }
21    Console::WriteLine(L"Press <ENTER> to quit.");
22    Console::ReadLine();
23    return 0;

Building C++/CLI program that uses DotNetZip

Build a C++/CLI program that uses DotNetZip, just as you would build any C++/CLI program.

The easiest way is to use Visual Studio, and create a C++/CLI project. Right click on the project and select References.... Add a reference to the Ionic.Zip.dll assembly. Click OK, then build your application.

You can also build using command-line tools. To do this, you will need to compile using the c++ source using the cl.exe tool, specifying the /clr option, and specifying where to find the Ionic.Zip.dll assembly. A typical series of steps to build a simple C++/CLI program that uses DotNetZip from one source file, supposing the name of the source file is CreateZipFile.cpp, is:

  \vc9\bin\cl.exe /Od /FD /EHa /MDd  /Fo".\\"  -I\vc9\include /W3 /c /Zi /clr /TP
      /FU "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll"
      /FU Ionic.Zip.dll CreateZipFile.cpp

  \vc9\bin\link.exe /OUT:CreateZipFile.exe  /DEBUG /ASSEMBLYDEBUG
      /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"CreateZipFile.exe.intermediate.manifest"
      /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'"
      /LIBPATH:\vc9\lib /LIBPATH:\winsdk\lib CreateZipFile.obj

  c:\netsdk2.0\Bin\mt.exe /outputresource:"CreateZipFile.exe;#1"
      /manifest CreateZipFile.exe.intermediate.manifest

Create a zip file using AES encryption

This example creates a zipfile, using AES 128-bit encryption to encrypt the entries.

CopyCreate an encrypted zip
 1#include "stdafx.h"
 3using namespace System;
 4using namespace Ionic::Zip;
 6int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
 8    Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
10    ZipFile ^ zip;
11    try
12    {
13        zip = gcnew ZipFile();
14        zip->Password = verySecret;
15        zip->Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm::WinZipAes128;
16        zip->AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the content for the Readme.txt entry.");
17        zip->AddFile("Data.csv");
18        zip->Save("test.zip");
19    }
20    finally
21    {
22        zip->~ZipFile();
23    }
25    Console::WriteLine(L"Press <ENTER> to quit.");
26    Console::ReadLine();
27    return 0;

Use a SaveProgress event from C++

This example creates a zipfile, and uses a SaveProgress event.

CopyCreate an encrypted zip
  1#include "stdafx.h"
  3using namespace System;
  4using namespace System::IO;
  5using namespace Ionic::Zip;
  8public ref class DnzHelloCppCli
 12    bool justHadByteUpdate;
 15    DnzHelloCppCli()
 16        {
 17        }
 20    void Run()
 21        {
 22            Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
 23            Console::WriteLine("Using DotNetZip version {0}", ZipFile::LibraryVersion);
 24            array<String^>^ filesToAdd = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(".", "*.cpp");
 26            ZipFile ^ zip;
 27            try
 28            {
 29                zip = gcnew ZipFile();
 30                zip->Password = "Harbinger";
 31                zip->Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm::WinZipAes128;
 32                zip->SaveProgress += gcnew EventHandler<SaveProgressEventArgs^>(this, &DnzHelloCppCli::SaveProgress);
 33                zip->AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the content for the Readme.txt entry.");
 34                zip->AddFiles(filesToAdd, "files");
 35                zip->Save("MyArchive.zip");
 36            }
 37            finally
 38            {
 39                zip->~ZipFile();
 40            }
 42            Console::WriteLine(L"Press <ENTER> to quit.");
 43            Console::ReadLine();
 44            return;
 45        }
 48    void SaveProgress(Object^ sender, SaveProgressEventArgs^ e)
 49        {
 50            switch (e->EventType)
 51            {
 52                case ZipProgressEventType::Saving_Started:
 53                {
 54                    Console::WriteLine("Saving: {0}", e->ArchiveName);
 55                    break;
 56                }
 57                case ZipProgressEventType::Saving_BeforeWriteEntry:
 58                {
 59                    if (this->justHadByteUpdate)
 60                    {
 61                        Console::WriteLine();
 62                    }
 63                    Console::WriteLine("  Writing: {0} ({1}/{2})",
 64                                       e->CurrentEntry->FileName,
 65                                       (e->EntriesSaved + 1),
 66                                       e->EntriesTotal);
 67                    this->justHadByteUpdate = false;
 68                    break;
 69                }
 70                case ZipProgressEventType::Saving_AfterWriteEntry:
 71                {
 72                    if (e->CurrentEntry->InputStreamWasJitProvided)
 73                    {
 74                        e->CurrentEntry->InputStream->Close();
 75                        e->CurrentEntry->InputStream = nullptr;
 76                    }
 77                    break;
 78                }
 79                case ZipProgressEventType::Saving_Completed:
 80                {
 81                    this->justHadByteUpdate = false;
 82                    Console::WriteLine();
 83                    Console::WriteLine("Done: {0}", e->ArchiveName);
 84                    break;
 85                }
 86                case ZipProgressEventType::Saving_EntryBytesRead:
 87                {
 88                    if (this->justHadByteUpdate)
 89                    {
 90                        Console::SetCursorPosition(0, Console::CursorTop);
 91                    }
 92                    Console::Write("     {0}/{1} ({2:N0}%)",
 93                                   e->BytesTransferred,
 94                                   e->TotalBytesToTransfer,
 95                                   (((double) e->BytesTransferred) / (0.01 * e->TotalBytesToTransfer)));
 96                    this->justHadByteUpdate = true;
 97                    break;
 98                }
 99            }
100        }
105int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
107    try
108    {
109        DnzHelloCppCli^ me = gcnew DnzHelloCppCli();
110        me->Run();
111    }
112    catch (Exception^ ex1)
113    {
114        Console::Error->WriteLine(String::Concat("exception: ", ex1));
115    }
116    return 0;