
Microsoft Research Detours


Enlist a thread for update in the current transaction.


LONG DetourUpdateThread(
    _In_ HANDLE hThread


The handle of the thread to be updated with the pending transaction.

Return value

Returns NO_ERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Error codes

Not enough memory to record identity of thread.


DetourUpdateThread enlists the specified thread for update when the current transaction, opened by the DetourTransactionBegin API, commits.

When a detour transaction commmits, Detours insures that all threads enlisted in the transcation via the DetourUpdateThread API are updated if their instruction pointer lies within the rewritten code in either the target function or the trampoline function.

Threads not enlisted in the transaction are not updated when the transaction commits. As a result, they may attempt to execute an illegal combination of old and new code.

For more information on using Detours to intercept function calls, see Interception of Binary Functions or Using Detours in the Detours Overview.

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